Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA) highlighted its "productive and collaborative" relationship with the UAA Justice Center in its
2017 Annual Report released this week. According to the annual report, the Justice Center which began collaborating with CDVSA in 2010, is providing critically important insight and valuable understanding of the scope of domestic violence and sexual assault through its work on the
2010 and 2015 Alaska Victimization Surveys (AVS) and a Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs survey. "In 2017, two years following the last statewide AVS, we are still gaining significant and critical information about the impact of these issues—particularly for Alaska women," according to the CDVSA's 2017 annual report. "In FY17, two follow-up reports were developed and released based on results from the 2015 AVS: the Statewide and Municipality of Anchorage Stalking Victimization (released in January 2017) and the Statewide Victimization of Alaska Women age 60+ (released in June 2017)."

The Justice Center continues to collaborate with CDVSA with the joint release of results from the
2014-2015 AVS for Aleutian/Pribilof Island region released on March 13, 2018.