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About Alaska
"The Life of Small Businesses in Alaska: A Look at Employee Relations and Working Conditions" - Prof. Kristin Knudsen, J.D.; Rhonda Gerharz, Alaska Division of Workers' Compensation; Grant Larsen, Alaska Small Business Development Center; Jeremy Applegate, Alaska Wage and Hour Administration - March 18, 2013.
History, Thought and Community
"Force and Law Enforcement: A Panel Discussion" - Dr. Troy Payne; UAA Student Support Director Kim Patterson, and ADN reporter Casey Grove - October 2, 2013
"The Social Contract Today" - Prof. Jason Brandeis, J.D.; Dr. Alan Borass, Dept. of Anthropology; Dr. Scott Gavorsky, Dept. of History, and Prof. Paola Banchero, Chair, Dept. of Journalism and Public Communications - February 27, 2012