This press conference will introduce the results of a report on Anchorage Police Department (APD) officer-involved shootings from 1993–2013. The UAA Justice Center prepared this report for APD. A brief overview of the report will be followed by a presentation of the data.
UAA Justice Center
Anchorage Police Department
11:00 a.m., Wednesday, December 11, 2013
UAA Gorsuch Commons, Room 107
The Gorsuch Commons is located on UAA’s campus, next to student housing off Elmore Road. Parking will be free in the adjacent Spruce Lot and Willow Lot during this event.
Campus Map: http://www.uaa.alaska.edu/map/
Dr. Troy Payne, UAA Justice Center (Report Author)
Chief Mark Mew, Anchorage Police Department
Lt. Kevin Vandergriff, Anchorage Police Department, Internal Affairs
To learn more about UAA’s Justice Center, visit http://justice.uaa.alaska.edu.
UAA: Barbara Armstrong, editor@uaa.alaska.edu, 786-1815
APD: Jennifer Castro, jcastro@muni.org, 786-8571