"Sleying the reed..." is a term used in weaving to describe pulling threads through the part of the loom called a reed.
Day: Fridays, Saturdays, & Sunday, November 15-24
Time: 8:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 6:00 p.m. Sunday
Place: UAA Harper Studio Theatre, Fine Arts Bldg., Room 129
Admission: $14 general/$10 student
The director, Prof. Kramer, was moved to address this issue artistically after reading Half the Sky by Nicolas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.
The event will also offer a local perspective on the issue of violence against women and provide information on resources and services available to women who victims of violence. On selected nights, there will be short "talk-back" sessions to encourage a community dialogue.
For more information, contact Andrea Lee Miller at 786-1766.