The American Society of Criminology is an international organization whose members pursue scholarly, scientific, and professional knowledge concerning the measurement, etiology, consequences, prevention, control, and treatment of crime and delinquency.
Justice Center Faculty presentations included:
Estimates of Violence Against Alaska Native Women
Dr. André Rosay, UAA Justice Center Director
Deflection of Offenders During "Bar Break" in Downtown Anchorage
Dr. Sharon Chamard, Justice faculty
Identifying and Addressing the Civil Legal Needs of Crime Victims in Alaska
Dr. Marny Rivera and Dr. Cory R. Lepage, Justice faculty
The Path Shaw and McKay Did Not Take: The Policy Consequences of People versus Place Responses
Dr. Troy Payne, Justice faculty; Kathleen Gallagher (Ph.D. candidate), Dr. John Eck, and Dr. James Frank, University of Cincinnati
Crime Analysts & Criminologists: Partnering for Crime Reduction - A Roundtable
Dr. Troy Payne, Justice faculty