The press conference will immediately follow the opening ceremony at 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Domestic Violence Awareness Month Coalition event will include video remarks by Senator Lisa Murkowski and Senator Mark Begich, a State Proclamation by Attorney General John Burns, and the presentation of Domestic Violence Awareness Month awards.
The press conference is presented jointly by the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, AWAIC, STAR, and the UAA Justice Center.
More Information:
For more background on this project, visit http://justice.uaa.alaska.edu/avs.
For more information about CDVSA, visit http://www.dps.state.ak.us/CDVSA/.
For more information on AWAIC, visit http://www.awaic.org/
For more information on STAR, visit http://www.staralaska.com/