Justice Center faculty during their working retreat. |
The Justice Center held a lunch for faculty and staff as part of the annual faculty retreat. UAA Chancellor Tom Case was invited to attend. During lunch, Dr. André Rosay, Justice Center Director, presented a summary of the annual Justice Center return on investment report for July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.
During FY11, the Justice Center served 517 undergraduates and graduates, generating $765,125 in tuition dollars. For every dollar the state invested in instruction, the Justice Center generated $1.56 in tuition revenue. The Justice Center maintained 14 externally funded projects, funded for a total of $1,158,766 – with $888,684 spent in FY11. For every dollar the state invested in research, the Justice Center expended $2.21 in grant funding awarded to the Justice Center.
In addition, the Justice Center produced:
- 7 peer reviewed journal articles,
- 15 Alaska Justice Forum articles,
- 11 research reports, and
- 2 research overviews.
Chancellor Tom Case speaks
to the group. |
The Justice Center also remained committed to providing services to the community, the university, and the profession. Faculty and staff:
- hosted eight major conferences, workshops, and events;
- worked with 79 different community partners;
- served on 55 university committees;
- furthered outreach efforts with six events;
- served on five editorial boards;
- participated in 23 different professional associations; and
- reviewed manuscripts and grants for six different journals and agencies.
The Justice Center received four awards in recognition of current and former faculty contributions to the justice profession and community. The Justice Center's accomplishments are noted in our blog.
Click here for the
FY11 Justice Center Annual Return on Investment Report. Click here for the
PowerPoint summary.
Pictured here are Justice Center faculty and staff with the
Chancellor - back row (l to r) Dr. Brad Myrstol, Dr. Corey Lepage, Prof.
Jason Brandeis, Chancellor Tom Case, Dr. Troy Payne, Dr. Ron Everett.
Front row (l t r) Melissa Green, Dr. Sharon Chamard, Dr. Marny Rivera,
Rhoda Brown, Amy Perkins, Tuyet Tran, Dr. Allan Barnes, Dr. André Rosay,
Barbara Armstrong. Not pictured are Prof. Deb Periman and Alan
McKelvie. |