Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Prof. Periman selected for higher education leadership forum

Prof. Deb Periman, Justice faculty, has been selected to participate in the American Council on Education Office of Women in Higher Education (ACE/OWHE) Alaska Regional Leadership Forum for Women Administrators. The forum will be held June 2-4, 2010 at the University of Alaska Anchorage campus. This year's theme is "Advancing Women's Leadership."

Since 1973, the Office of Women in Higher Education (OWHE) of the American Council on Education has provided national leadership in the advancement of women into executive positions and campus presidencies.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Dr. Chamard authors monograph on homeless encampments

Dr. Sharon Chamard, Justice Center faculty, has authored a monograph entitled, "Homeless Encampments," for the Problem-Oriented Guides for Police Problem-Specific Guides Series. The monograph has been released as part of the series published by the Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, U.S. Department of Justice.

The monograph begins by describing the problem of homeless encampments (also known as transient camps) and reviewing contributing factors. It then identifies a series of questions to help police and other decision-makers analyze their local problems with homeless encampments. Finally, a review of responses to the problem and what is known about them from evaluative research and police practice is presented.

Dr. Chamard interviewed by KTVA Ch 11 News about housing for chronic inebriates

Dr. Sharon Chamard, Justice faculty, was interviewed on May 20 by KTVA Channel 11 News in her capacity as president of the Fairview Community Council about the proposed housing for chronic inebriates at the former Red Roof Inn and the concerns of neighborhood residents.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Justice Center Bike to Work Team

Justice Center Bike to Work Team 2010

Today is Anchorage's 6th Annual Bike to Work Day. Last year Bike to Work Day was pretty rainy — but not so today, and all members of the UAA Justice Center 2010 Bike to Work team were glad to step out into the sunshine to take a group photo. Pictured are (left to right) Ron Everett, Deb Periman, Amy Perkins, Marie Brunner, Sharon Chamard, and Barbara Armstrong.

See our other Bike to Work Day photos:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Prof. Periman presents to association for legal professionals

Prof. Deb Periman, Justice faculty, will make a presentation on "Legal Writing: Blue Book Citations" on Saturday, May 22, to NALS of Anchorage - The Association for Legal Professionals. The program will run from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon at the Hampton Inn.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dr. Chamard heads up future Mat-Su Borough Community Survey studies

Dr. Sharon Chamard, Justice faculty, will be working on two additional studies related to communities in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough.

The first is a trend analysis that looks at data from the 2006 through 2009 Mat-Su Borough Community Surveys. A series of graphs and charts will show changes over the years in attitudes and opinions. It is anticipated that each future survey will include a trend analysis of this type.

The second project is for the 2010 survey. Dr. Chamard was recently awarded the contract for the 2010 Matanuska-Susistna Borough Community Survey.

The yearly survey asks Mat-Su Borough residents to evaluate the quality of Borough services, provide opinions about Borough decision-making, and sum up their perceptions about a range of issues relevant to the present and future of the Mat-Su community. The survey provides results in five major areas: (1) evaluation of current borough services; (2) use of borough facilities; (3) life in Mat-Su neighborhoods; (4) local government access, policies, and practices; and (5) respondent background information. Government agencies and policymakers use this data to assist in responding to residents' concerns and needs and in planning future projects.

Photo of farm near Palmer, a community in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Courtesy of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.

Dr. Chamard interviewed by KTUU Ch 2 News re 2009 Mat-Su Survey

Dr. Sharon Chamard, Justice faculty, was interviewed May 16, 2010 by KTUU Channel 2 News about the recently released Matanuska-Susitna Borough Community Survey, 2009: A Sourcebook of Community Attitudes.

See the Justice Center's Community Indicators Projects page for past surveys of the Matanuska-Susita Borough.

Congrats to Justice and Paralegal Majors named to the Spring 2010 Honors Lists

Congratulations to the Justice and Paralegal Majors who were named to the Spring 2010 Honors Lists!

Dean's List
Justice Majors
Amani F. Azzam, Patrick R. Blood, John C. Croughen, Monique E. Eniero, Rebecca H. Hartley, Sarah L. Herrin, Jeremy D. Holmes, Luisa F. Jones, Hyoseok Lee, Nicholas L. Oberg, Sarah M. Park, Clay W. Roberts, Adam P. Ronchetti, Catherine A. Simpson, Krystal J. Thibault, Jessica A. Thon, Joshua W. Travis, Julie A. Tucker, Jeanene Walker

Premajor Paralegal Majors
Julianna L. Tobler

Paralegal Majors
Jeanene Walker

Chancellor's List
Justice Majors
Seth C. Bowen, Pearl M. Churchill, Ezekiel J. Kaufman, Heather MacAlpine, Jonathan P. Martin, Tristan S. Maxwell, Jacob A. Ruebelmann, Kristopher S. Sperry, Sarah E. Tillman, Kelsey C. Waldorf, Edward D. Wilson

Requirements for Honors Lists
To be named to the Dean's List, students must be earn a 3.5 GPA and be enrolled in at least 12 credits. To be named to the Chancellor's List, students must earn a 4.0 GPA and be enrolled in at least 12 credits.

Summer 2010 academic information

UAA/APU Consortium Library. Photo by Melissa S. Green
Academic information online for the Summer 2010 semester includes a complete list of Justice Center Summer 2010 course offerings and course syllabi.

Most faculty are off contract during the summer. Justice and Paralegal students needing advising during this time should contact Russ Pressley of the College of Health and Social Welfare at 786-4405.

Except for holidays, the Justice Center will be open during normal business hours over the summer — Monday thru Friday, 8:00 AM–5:00 PM. The Justice Center is located on the second floor of the Consortium Library in Suite 213.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Prof. Kelley reprises presentation on caring for aging parents from afar

Prof. Pamela R. Kelley, Justice Center faculty, reprised her presentation, "Balancing Acts: Aging Parents and Long Distance Care Giving," for faculty and staff on May 5. Prof. Kelley spoke for the first time on this topic on April 16 at an event in cooperation with CAFÉ (Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence).

Faculty and staff unable to attend either of the earlier programs will have the opportunity to attend this session on care giving for elderly parents on Development Day, May 13.

Prof. Kelley has written a resource manual for long-distance caregivers in the UAA community, and presents her materials from a lawyer and caregiver's perspective. Topics include critical legal documents, family medical leave, care coordination, professional services available, troubleshooting Medicare coverage questions and appeals, housing alternatives, and the latest changes in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (health care reform).

The May 5 presentation was recorded. The podcast and PowerPoint are available at the CAFÉ website.

Justice alum highlighted in "Seawolf Weekly"

Tabatha Harris, Justice 07, was highlighted in the April 21 issue of "Seawolf Weekly," a UAA e-newsletter distributed to the campus and statewide community subscribers. Tabatha is working as a case manager in the Denver County Jail Women's Mental Health Transition Unit as part of the Prisoner Reentry Program.

Her focus is on teaching coping skills and practical life skills to the women in her unit, most of whom are suffering from mental and substance abuse issues. She also assists in identifying community resources for these women upon their release. In addition to her work as a case manager, Tabatha is currently in the Master's in Social Work program at Colorado State University - Brighton.

Dr. Chamard interviewed by KTUU Channel 2 News about solutions for the hard-to-house

Dr. Sharon Chamard, Justice faculty, was interviewed by KTUU Channel 2 News on May 5 in her capacity as president of the Fairview Community Council. The interview focused on solutions for housing chronic inebriates and other hard-to-house individuals, and the current proposal for the Karluk Manor Project by RurAL CAP.

Prof. Periman judges "We the People" competition

Prof. Deb Periman, Justice Center faculty, participated as one of the volunteer judges for the "We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution" competition for middle school students in
Anchorage on May 5. Seven teams were involved in the event which was held on the UAA campus. "We the People" is a national educational program developed to educate young people about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Some of the volunteer judges are pictured here (left to right): Deb Periman, Justice Center faculty; Barbara Jones, Anchorage Equal Rights Commission; David Woodley, University of Alaska Foundation; Christine Scott, South High School; Todd Heuston, We the People District Coordinator; Phyllis Bowie, SAVE High School and Trainer for the Center for Civic Education; Lakhita Gillion, Clark Middle School; and Barbara Hood, Alaska Court System.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mat-Su Borough Community Survey 2009 released

Palmer, Alaska, a community in the Mat-Su Borough. Photo by Jim Moody, Jr. Used in accordance with a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0 license.
The Justice Center has released the most recent publication from its Community Indicators Project:
The Matanuska-Susitna Borough Community Survey, conducted annually beginning in 2006, is a cooperative research effort between the Justice Center and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough to collect information about satisfaction with Borough services, household aspirations, and household composition. These data will be used by Borough decision-makers to prioritize projects, improve services, and better plan for the future growth of the Mat-Su Borough.

The survey asks Mat-Su Borough residents to evaluate the quality of Borough services, provide opinions about Borough decision-making, and sum up their perceptions about a range of issues relevant to the present and future of the Mat-Su community. The 2009 survey was distributed to 2,733 residents of the Mat-Su Borough; a total of 1,406 surveys were returned, for a response rate of 51.6%. The Sourcebook provides results in five major areas: (1) evaluation of current borough services; (2) use of borough facilities; (3) life in Mat-Su neighborhoods; (4) local government access, policies, and practices; and (5) respondent background information.

See the Justice Center's Community surveys bibliography for a complete list of Justice Center reports and articles from various community surveys, including the Mat-Su Community Survey.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Congrats to our 2010 Justice graduates!

Congratulations to our 2010 Justice graduates!

Bachelor of Arts Justice Candidates
*Cum Laude, **Magna Cum Laude, ***Summa Cum Laude:
David S. Abbott, Joel H. Ainsworth*, Richard C. Brandon, Matthew A. Carberry, Lori S. Carson**, Jessica R. Chase, Jesus J. Contreras, Dawid K. Czerwionka, Alicia S. Diercks, Albert R. Donalson*, Clinton L. Dotzenko, Danielle M. Ellis, Monique E. Eniero, Jessica L. Ezzell**, Jennifer C. Flees, Kayla J. Frank**, John A. Glasgow, III, Michelle N. Gonzalez, Renisha T. Gonzalez, Michael B. Guzy, Lorimar E. Hagglund, Shawn R. Jefts, Siv B. Jonsson, Kristin N. Machado, Shaunalee A. Nichols, Nicholas L. Oberg, Benjamin D. Ortez, Kristin R. Perkins, Stephanie M. Prince, Eryne R. Reilly, Dezi Robb, Clay W. Roberts**, Holly A. Ryal, Jonathon C. Sanchez*, Kristopher S. Sperry**, Alexander P. Surnin, Katy L. Swensgard, Jessica A. Thon, Sarah E. Tillman, Joshua W. Travis*, Sarah L. Wattum, Gayleen Williams, Barbara A. Wilson, Summer B. Yancey, Pa Yang.

Paralegal Studies Certificates Candidates
Maria L. Chilson, Siv B. Jonsson, Karen N. Joynt, Julienne S. Kim, Janet M. Lockman, Shaunalee A. Nichols, Laura R. Smith, April W. Susky

Pictured: Commencement. Justice faculty Drs. Allan Barnes, Sharon Chamard, and Brad Myrstol at Commencement.

Student appreciation barbecue 2010

Justice Center faculty and staff hosted the annual Student Appreciation Barbecue for all Justice students on Saturday, May 1, at Kincaid Park. Despite a forecast of rain and/or snow, students arrived to enjoy the hamburgers, chicken, hot dogs, and all the fixin's.

Pictured at the grill are (l to r) Justice student Stephanie Prince, Justice Center Director Dr. André Rosay, and Justice faculty Dr. Marny Rivera.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dr. Rosay assists with strategic plan for Council on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

Dr. André Rosay, Justice Center Director, has been selected to assist the Council on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault in the development of a strategic plan for Alaska’s response to violence against women. As a member of the Council’s subcommittee, Dr. Rosay will work on the next 3-year plan for the STOP program – Services*Training*Officers*Prosecutors –a nationwide federally funded program through the Office of Violence Against Women (OVW). This 3-year plan for Alaska will focus on ways to provide training for law enforcement and the courts; develop policies; strengthen victim services programs; identify needs of Native victims; provide core services; and develop additional services for victims and their families.

State and nonprofit agencies providing services to victims of domestic violence can apply to the Council for grant funding to assist in meeting the goals of the 3-year plan. Under the provisions of STOP, the Council must allocate 25 percent of the grant funds for law enforcement, 25 percent for prosecution, 5 percent for courts, and 30 percent for victim services.

A final plan is scheduled to be submitted to the Council at their quarterly meeting in September.

Dr. Chamard highlighted in "UAA Research News"

Dr. Sharon Chamard, Justice Center faculty, is highlighted in the Spring 2010 issue of "UAA Research News" published by the UAA Office of Research and the Graduate School. The article describes Dr. Chamard's research on community indicators in Anchorage and the Mat-Su Valley.

She has conducted surveys in Anchorage and Mat-Su to gauge residents’ attitudes and opinions about their neighborhoods and government services. More information on these ongoing projects can be found on the Justice Center community indicators web page. Final reports from these surveys will be published this summer and will be posted on the Justice Center website.

Justice grad shines at Lewis & Clark Law School

Shannon Calt (Justice 08) has been voted 2010-2011 Managing Editor of the Lewis and Clark Law Review. During his first year of law school he was invited to join the Law Review as a case cite checker for all articles.

In addition to his Managing Editor duties, Shannon is also the author of a soon to be published Law Review article, "A., B. & C. v. Ireland: 'Europe's Roe v. Wade.'?" The article will appear in the June 2010 issue, Vol. 14., No. 3. An advance copy of the article is available.

This summer Shannon will be interning with the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney's Office in Vancouver, Washington where he will be prosecuting misdemeanors.