Pictured left to right are Amy Perkins, Barbara Armstrong, Marie Brunner, Prof. Deborah Periman, and Dr. Sharon Chamard. Justice Center students Colt Nelson, Eryne Reilly, Kristen Doughty, and Kristin Machado also committed to ride to work that day. The Justice Center was one of eight other UAA Bike to Work teams that participated in this 5th Annual Anchorage Bike to Work Day.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Justice Center Bike to Work Team
Pictured left to right are Amy Perkins, Barbara Armstrong, Marie Brunner, Prof. Deborah Periman, and Dr. Sharon Chamard. Justice Center students Colt Nelson, Eryne Reilly, Kristen Doughty, and Kristin Machado also committed to ride to work that day. The Justice Center was one of eight other UAA Bike to Work teams that participated in this 5th Annual Anchorage Bike to Work Day.