Prof. Jason Brandeis, J.D., Legal Studies faculty in the Justice Center, published an article in the recent issue of the
Alaska Bar Rag, the official publication of the Alaska Bar Association. Prof. Brandeis discusses the current status of marijuana legalization in Alaska, including enforcement issues and criminal investigations reported in the media, analysis of the state's approach to marijuana legalization under the current federal guidance, and the ongoing development of Alaska's regulatory system.
"Marijuana legalization: where the process stands now" by Jason Brandeis.
Alaska Bar Rag, Vol. 39, No. 3., July - September 2015.
Copies are available from the Alaska Bar office: 907-272-7469
Prof. Brandeis teaches courses on American government,
constitutional law and civil liberties, and is a frequent speaker on
constitutional law and other legal issues. Prof. Brandeis also maintains
a private law practice through which he provided legal representation in administrative
agency proceedings for the
Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol in Alaska.