Wednesday, April 9, 2014

NO MORE at UAA campaign gains momentum on campus and off

UAA students and faculty (standing left of the Choose Respect banner) hold "NO MORE" statements at the
Choose Respect March in Anchorage on March 27.
The "NO MORE at UAA" campaign which began the week of March 17 as a precursor to National Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April continues to gain momentum on and off campus. The "NO MORE" campaign at UAA co-branded with the "NO MORE" national campaign to increase greater awareness and action to end domestic violence and sexual assault.

UAA students and faculty involved in the "NO MORE at UAA" campaign participated in the Choose Respect March in Anchorage on March 27 , 2014.   

UAA student Sarah Anderson was motivated by the "NO MORE at UAA" campaign to visit her home village of Port Heiden to talk to students about domestic violence and sexual assault. See below.

Students from Port Heiden hold the "NO MORE" statements they wrote after hearing Sarah Anderson's
presentation on preventing domestic violence and sexual assault.
 The "NO MORE at UAA" campaign is part of a degree capstone project with the UAA Center for Community Engagement and Learning (CCEL). The UAA campaign was  initiated and coordinated by Simona Gerdts and Kristen Speyerer, Justice majors/Legal Studies minors, who will be graduating in May 2014.

Simona and Kristen hope that the campaign will become a yearly event at UAA, and they are working with Dr. Ryan Fortson, Justice Center faculty, to explore forming an official student club that will sponsor the NO MORE at UAA events.