Topic: Police Use of Force Procedures
Day: Thursday, February 13, 2014
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Place: Clark Middle School
Panelists also include Pastor Victor Marbury, ACPRTF Vice-Chair and Chief Mark Mew, Anchorage Police Department (APD), as well as other community and agency members. Rosa Melendez, Regional Director, Region X, Department of Justice Community Relations Service, will be the program moderator.
This event is presented by the ACPRTF in partnership with the Anchorage Equal Rights Commission, the Anchorage Police Department, and the UAA Justice Center.
The ACPRTF recently released the Anchorage Police Department Use of Force Policy Review Brief and Recommendations. This report looks at the history and mission of the ACPRTF, recent use of deadly force incidents by APD, efforts by APD and the ACPRTF to address community concerns about use of force, and presents the findings and recommendations of the ACPRTF's review of the Anchorage Police Department's use of force policy.