Monday, April 8, 2013

UAA participates in 3rd annual inter-university cyber-symposium on alternative dispute resolution with representatives from around the globe

Video conference screen shot - upper left:  Dr. Gandhi opens the video
conference with a discussion of his grandfather's involvement
in the law and in conflict resolution.
 Dr. Arun Gandhi, a grandson of Mohandas Gandhi opened the 3rd Annual UAF Cyber-symposium on Alternative Dispute Resolution via video conference from the University of Salisbury in Maryland. The event was held April 4.

Dr. Gandhi traced his grandfather's involvement in the law and in conflict resolution, including mediation and arbitration, and how the development of Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence and avoidance of conflict grew out of these experiences.

This event was developed and moderated by Prof. Brian Jarrett of the UAF Department of Justice. Representatives of over a dozen universities and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) organizations from around the globe attended via video conference.

Participating universities and organizations included:
University of Alaska Fairbanks
University of Alaska Anchorage
University of Alaska Juneau
University of Hawaii  at Manoa, Honolulu - Matsunaga Peace Institute
University of Hawwii at Manoa, Honolulu - 30 member student delegation from Thailand
University of Puerto Rico School of Law
Yukon College, Whitehorse, Canada
Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand
Simon Fraser University, British Columbia
Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Correctional Service of Canada
Ministry of Justice, Victoria, Canada
Beyond Borders, Anchorage

Kimep University, Kazakhstan, was unable to connect to the video conference, but will be a participant in future programs.
Participants discussed restoration justice programs in their areas and the current trends in dispute resolution, including the increasing role of traditional forms of mediation, mediation in prisoner reentry programs and in therapeutic courts, and how arbitration and mediation are developing in Iran under Shariah law. A highlight of the event was a presentation by David Wexler, a nationally recognized expert in therapeutic jurisprudence.

Papers were submitted for the symposium and are available on the cyber-symposium website, and an archived version of the event will uploaded shortly.  For further information, contact Prof. Brian Jarrett, or  907-474-6790.