Thursday, January 31, 2013

Justice Center participates in UAA Civil Rights Resource Fair

L to r: Prof. Ryan Fortson discusses the new Legal Studies Program
options with a prospective student.
The Justice Center and other UAA and community groups that provide civil rights education participated in the 2013 Civil Rights Resource Fair as part of Alaska Civil Rights Month.  The event was held January 30 at the UAA Student Union.

Prof. Ryan Fortson, J.D., Justice faculty, and representatives from the U.S. Attorney's Office, Alaska Native Justice Center, UAA Multicultural Center, Anchorage Equal Rights Commission,  Language Interpreter Center, UAA Dean of Students - Office of Diversity & Compliance, and Identity Inc., were among the participants.

L to r: Tom Funke, Law Enforcement Coordinator, U.S. Attorney's Office;
Prof. Fortson, Justice Center; and U.S. Attorney Karen Loeffler.