Alan McKelvie, Director of the Alaska Justice Statistical Analysis Center (SAC), has received a grant from the Bureau of Justice Statistics for FY2011-2012 under the State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers. With this award, Mr. McKelvie will be upgrading and expanding the Justice Information Exchange Model that is located at the SAC. Key improvements will include import/export capabilities, information exchange package documentation, and security settings. This library of standardized information exchange packages project was begun in FY2009-2010.
The standardized information exchange packages will include data such as incident reports, criminal intakes and dispositions, booking forms, criminal fingerprint cards, citation forms, and criminal complaints, and will be made available to criminal justice agencies statewide through the SAC website.
See additional information on the
Justice Information Exchange Model and on the
National Information Exchange Model (including information exchange package documentation (IEPDs). The Alaska Statistical Analysis Center is housed at the UAA Justice Center.