The Justice Club is sponsoring a tour on Friday, April 16th of the Airport Police & Fire Department as well as a tour of the airport baggage check process with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The Airport Police & Fire Department will show their K-9 unit, the fire trucks and water trucks, the hovercrafts, the dispatch center, ice rescue, and the police vehicles. TSA will show their security checkpoints and a behind the scenes look at where the baggage goes once it is checked-in.
The tour will begin at 10:00am and will finish around 1:00pm. Students will need to plan on meeting in the SSB parking lot at 9:15am to arrange transportation to the airport (car-pooling is necessary due to the lack of parking at the airport).
Please send an email by April 12th to if you would like to attend. You must be a current Justice Club member and have paid the club dues for either the semester or the year to participate in this tour.
For more information about the Justice Club, see the Justice Club home page.