In anticipation of the sixtieth anniversary of Alaska statehood, "60 Years Later: The Alaska Constitution, History in Context" will be presented Friday, October 12 at the UAA/APU Consortium Library. The symposium is co-sponsored by the UAA Justice Center and the
Alaska Law Review in cooperation with the Historians Committee of the Alaska Bar Association. Admission is free, and lunch will be provided.
Date: Friday, October 12
Time: 8:30 - 1:15 p.m.
Place: UAA/APU Consortium Library, LIB 307
Parking: Free parking on Fridays.
This symposium is geared for lawyers, members of the
judiciary, representatives of Alaska Native organizations, state government
officials, UAA students, faculty, and staff, and members of the public. The
Alaska Law Review will be publishing an issue at a later date with articles prepared for this symposium.

This program has been approved for 4.5 CLE credits (including 1.5 Ethics credits) by the Alaska Bar Association.
Keynote Address
- Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean, Berkeley Law
“A Comparative Perspective of the Alaska Constitution”
- Professor G. Alan Tarr, Rutgers University; Center for State Constitution Studies
- Professor Robert Williams, Rutgers School of Law; Center for State Constitution Studies
“The Alaska Judicial Council and Merit Selection of Judges”
- Susie Mason Dosik, Administrative Attorney, Alaska Judicial Council
- Brett Frazer, Latham & Watkins
“A Native Perspective of Alaska’s Constitution”
- John “Sky” Starkey, Landye Bennett Blumstein LLP
- Willie Hensley, University of Alaska Anchorage
Lunch Presentation
- Mike Schwaiger, Alaska Bar Association, Historians Committee
Lunch Conversation
- Vic Fischer, Member of the Alaska Constitutional Convention & Hon. Sen Tan, Alaska Superior Court, ret.
Prof. Ryan Fortson, J.D., Ph.D., is the Justice Center faculty coordinator for this event. Questions? Call 907-786-1810 or email