Dr. Randy Magen, School of Social Work, and
Prof. Deb Periman, J.D., Justice faculty, discussed UAA learning communities at the new faculty orientation on August 14 sponsored by the
UAA Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE).
Standing l to r: Dr. Magen and Prof. Periman describe the Making Learning Visible project. |
Making Learning Visible
Dr. Magen and
Prof. Periman outlined activities of the
"Making Learning Visible" Project for the upcoming academic year. The goal of
this project is to provide resources and a supportive community of
colleagues to faculty as they strive to self-evaluate and improve their
teaching skills.
Activities for faculty include a series of sessions centered on the book,
Inquiry into the College Classroom: A Journey Toward Scholarly Teaching, and working groups to assist faculty in developing a web-based portfolio for public dissemination and for inclusion in their faculty review file, that documents efforts to improve teaching and student learning.
UAA/APU Books of the Year
At podium: Prof. Periman outlines Books of the Year events. |
Prof. Periman also described the
"UAA/APU Books of the Year" program, part of the Ford Foundation
Difficult Dialogues Project. The program encourages faculty to integrate into their curriculum books selected for their relevance and timeliness.
The Big Short by
Michael Lewis and
The Working Poor
David K. Shipler were selected by a faculty committee for the 2011
through 2013 academic years. The program's website provides faculty
with materials and ideas for weaving themes from the books into their
classes and creating a community conversation.
David Shipler |
David Shipler will visit the UAA and APU campuses and Anchorage community as a Woodrow Wilson Fellow on September 24 - 28, 2012, and will speak at a series of events. He will give a public lecture on Thursday, September 27 at 7:00 p.m. (location tba) and a campus talk for APU and UAA on the APU campus Friday, September 28 from 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon. He will also be working directly with students in the classroom.
Mr. Shipler has worked as a journalist for "The New York Times," and has written for "The New Yorker," "The Washington Post," and the "Los Angeles Times." He won a Pulitzer Prize for his book,
Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land, and has taught at Princeton University, American University in Washington, D.C., and at Darmouth College.