Monday, October 31, 2011

Justice Center paralegal students volunteer at AFN legal clinic

Pictured l to r: Paralegal student volunteers Daniel Reinhard, Josephine Grande, Sarah Horton, Esther Schermerhorn, Kayleen Preston, Ness Rook, Babette Brewer, Jennifer Seeley, and Lisa Arey.

Eleven paralegal students from the Justice Center Paralegal Studies Certificate program volunteered to assist at the first Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) Conference Legal Clinic held Thursday and Friday, October 20 and 21 at the Dena'ina Center.  Prof. Deb Periman, J.D., is the coordinator of the Paralegal Studies Certificate program.

Clients had free consultations with volunteer lawyers from the Alaska Bar Association. The paralegal student volunteers welcomed clients, notified the volunteer lawyers when clients had arrived, and provided clerical support for the printing of final documents. 81 clients from 24 Alaskan communities were served.

The event was sponsored by AFN, Alaska Legal Services Corporation (ALSC), Alaska Native Justice Center, and the Alaska Bar Association.

Pictured l to r:  Sarah Horton, Paralegal student volunteer; Prof. Deb Periman, UAA Justice Center; Krista Scully, Alaska Bar Association Pro Bono Director; Louisa Good and Jennifer Seeley, Paralegal student volunteers; JoAnne Baker, Alaska Bar Association Sections/Fee Arbitration Coordinator, go over the list of volunteer lawyers.
 Pictured l to r: Erick Cordero, ALSC Director of Volunteer Services and Community Support; Prof. Deb Periman, J.D., UAA Justice Center; Nikole Nelson, ALSC Executive Director; Krista Scully, Alaska Bar Association Pro Bono Director; Melanie Osborne, Alaska Bar Association Alaska Native Law Section Co-Chair; Jon Minton, Alaska Bar Association staff member.
L to r: Paralegal student volunteers Iman Wilson and Louise Good.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dr. Myrstol describes research on homelessness at CCEL Engage Week campus event

Dr. Myrstol (center) speaks to students about homelessness research during CCEL event.

Dr. Brad Myrstol, Justice faculty, joined Colleen Ackerman, Homeward Bound Program Manager, and Shannon O'Connell, Homeward Bound UAA BSW Student Intern, on October 17, 2011 at a UAA Center for Community Engagement and Learning (CCEL) event to discuss homelessness and panhandling in Anchorage.

Dr. Myrstol focused on the homelessness research he has done which looks at the duration of homelessnes, and drug-use as a precipitating factor for a period of homelessness.  He described the problems of the chronically homeless and the types of crimes for which homeless people tend to be arrested - primarily misdemeanor crimes of public disorder.

Ms. Ackerman and Ms. O'Connell discussed the supportive housing projects sponsored by RuralCAP: Homeward Bound, Housing First, RuralCAP Affordable Housing, and Karluk Manor.

This event was part of the CCEL's "Engage Week" series, and was  sponsored in part by UAA's Student Social Work Coalition, the Center for Community Engagement and Learning, and Student Life and Leadership.

Justice Center participates in 2011 Fall Preview Day

Dr. Troy Payne talks to students at the Fall Preview Day.
Scores of Alaska junior and senior high school students attended the 2011 UAA Fall Preview Day on Friday, October 14, in the Student Union.  The Justice Center was one of many departments exhibiting at the event.

Prof. Deb Periman, J.D., and Dr. Troy Payne, Justice faculty, spoke with students and parents about Justice and Paralegal Studies courses, and the types of careers available in the fields of law, criminal justice, and criminology.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Forum articles included in digest of statistical analysis center publications

Abstracts of two Alaska Justice Forum articles have been included in the Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA) Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) Publication Digest for January - June 2011.

The articles, "Prisoner Reentry and the Uniform Collateral Consequences of Conviction Act" by Prof. Deb Periman, J.D., and "Gangs: National Data and the Fairbanks Gang Assessment" by Khristy Parker, Justice Center Research Professional and Shea Daniels, Juvenile Probation Officer, Alaska Division of Juvenile Justice, were published in the Alaska Justice Forum, volume 27, number 4, Winter 2011.

JRSA is a national nonprofit group of state Statistical Analysis Center(SAC) directors, and also includes other researchers and practitioners in government, academia, and criminal justice organizations. The Alaska Justice Statistical Analysis Center is housed within the UAA Justice Center.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Steve Barnes wrongly imprisoned for nearly 20 years speaks at Justice Center event

Exoneree Steven Barnes talking about his experience.
The Alaska Innocence Project and the UAA Justice Center are cosponsoring a presentation by exoneree Steven Barnes on Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. in UAA Rasmuson Hall, Room 117.

Mr. Barnes was convicted of rape and murder based on questionable eyewitness identification and evidence in 1989 and was finally exonerated in 2009.  Come hear his unforgettable story.

This event is free and open to all UAA students, faculty, staff, and the public.  Parking is free. For more information, call the Justice Center at 786-1810.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Prof. Periman assists at AFN legal clinic for wills

Prof. Deb Periman, J.D. (Justice faculty), will be one of the Alaska Bar Association volunteer lawyers at the  First Annual Elizabeth Peratrovich Legal Clinic to be held in conjunction with the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) Convention in Anchorage.  Prof. Periman will be assisting clients with wills as part of estate planning.  Prior to joining the UAA faculty, she was in private practice in Anchorage.

The wills legal clinic is scheduled from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on October 21 at the Dena'ina Center.  This event is a partnership of the Alaska Federation of Natives, the Alaska Bar Native Law Section, Alaska Legal Services Corporation, and the Alaska Native Justice Center.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Clemency article by Profs. Everett and Periman cited in Anchorage Press piece about pardons

An Alaska Law Review article about executive clemency by Dr. Ron Everett and Prof. Deb Periman, J.D., Justice faculty, was cited extensively in the October 13, 2011 Anchorage Press piece, "A Plea for Mercy," by Scott Christiansen.  The law review article, " 'The Governor's Court of Last Resort:' An Introduction to Executive Clemency in Alaska," briefly describes the history of clemency, examines the process in Alaska and recent changes to policy, and highlights the need for additional measures to afford former offenders a better chance for successful reentry into society.

Victimization survey results show over half of the adult women in Juneau have experienced intimate partner violence or sexual violence

The results of the 2011 Victimization Survey for the City and Borough of Juneau were released at a press conference on October 17 in Juneau.  The troubling numbers show:
  • Over 50% of adult women in the City and Borough of Juneau have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual violence or both, in their lifetime;
  •  Nearly 15% have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual violence or both, in the past year;
  • 4 out of every 10 adult women in the City and Borough of Juneau have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime; and 
  • 5 out of every 10 have experienced intimate partner violence in their lifetime.
The survey was designed to measure the lifetime and past year exposure to sexual violence and intimate partner violence. It was conducted from April 2011 to June 2011 in the City and Borough of Juneau through a contract with the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA), with supplemental funding from the Governor's Choose Respect initiative to end the epidemic of dometic violence and sexual assault in Alaska. Respondents were randomly selected by phone (using both land lines and cellphones).  Details of the survey are available at:

Pictured after the press conference (l to r): Dr. André Rosay, UAA Justice Center Director; Lauree Morton, CDVSA Executive Director; Saralyn Tabachnick,  AWARE Executive Director; and Bruce Botelho, Mayor of the City and Borough of Juneau.

The press conference was held jointly by the City and Borough of Juneau, the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Aiding Women in Abuse and Rape Emergencies (AWARE), and the UAA Justice Center.

More Information:
For more background on this project, visit
For more information about CDVSA, visit
For more information about AWARE, visit

Below are links to media coverage of this event:

"Victimization survey finds high rates of violence against Juneau women" by Pat Forgey (Juneau Empire, October 18, 2011)

"Survey shows high rates of violence against women in Juneau" by Casey Kelley (KTOO News Public Radio Juneau, October 21, 2011)

Moose Monday at the Justice Center — or — "new library browsers"


We first spotted this moose cow and her two calves from the UAA Justice Center office suite on the second floor of the UAA/APU Consortium Library, but very quickly our intrepid photographers Barbara and Mel rushed to the scene to get a better look at the action. University Police Department officers in two UPD units monitored the situation to ensure that students and other passers-by, as well as the moose, stayed safe.

Enjoy the photos below.  Anchorage is a wonderful city where you can see wildlife in all its glory — and hey, our wildlife is very literate — moose love browsing at the library!

Justice Center paralegal students volunteer at AFN legal clinic

Students in the Paralegal Studies Certificate Program coordinated by Prof. Deb Periman, J.D. (Justice faculty) will be volunteering at the First Annual Elizabeth Peratrovich Legal Clinic to be held in conjunction with the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) Convention in Anchorage.  The legal clinic will run from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. on October 20 and from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on October 21 at the Dena'ina Center.

The legal clinic is a partnership of the Alaska Federation of Natives, the Alaska Bar Native Law Section, Alaska Legal Services Corporation, and the Alaska Native Justice Center.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Justice Club and Alpha Phi Sigma enter homecoming shopping cart parade

The Justice Club and Apha Phi Sigma (Criminal Justice Honor Society) entered the UAA Homecoming Shopping Cart Parade held Thursday, October 6, at the Student Union.  Their entry was a shopping cart police car.
See video of all the entries below.

2011 victimization survey results for Juneau to be released October 17

The results of the 2011 Victimization Survey for the City and Borough of Juneau will be introduced at a press conference on Monday, October 17, at 10:00 a.m. in Room 224, City Hall, 155 S. Seward St. This survey was conducted in the City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) through a contract with the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA). A brief overview of the survey will be followed by a presentation of the data and a discussion of the results.

This victimization survey was conducted in the City and Borough of Juneau from April 2011 to June 2011.  The survey was designed to measure the lifetime and past year exposure to sexual violence and intimate partner violence.

The press conference is being held jointly by the City and Borough of Juneau, the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Aiding Women in Abuse and Rape Emergencies (AWARE), and the UAA Justice Center.

More Information:
For more background on this project, visit
For more information about CDVSA, visit
For more information about AWARE, visit

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Prof. Brandeis joins AKPIRG board

Prof. Jason Brandeis, J.D., Justice faculty, has recently joined the board of directors of AKPIRG - the Alaska Public Interest Research Group. Professor Brandeis has a longstanding commitment to public interest work in Alaska.  He worked on public interest issues in the past while an attorney for the ACLU of Alaska and  for the State of Alaska Public Offices Commission. As a member of AKPIRG, he looks forward to continuing to promote laws and policies that support the public.

AKPIRG was founded in 1974 as an activist consumer interest group.  From consumer protection, identity theft and fraud, to voting rights, ethical government and clean energy, AKPIRG has been pursuing policies that give ordinary Alaskans a voice that can be heard. As a member of the federation of State PIRGs, AKPIRG works on national policy as well as issues that are uniquely Alaskan.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Victimization survey results show over half of the adult women in the Bristol Bay region have experienced intimate partner violence or sexual violence

The results of the 2011 Victimization Survey for the Bristol Bay region were released at a press conference on October 12 in Dillingham.  The troubling numbers show that:
  • Over 50% of adult women in the Bristol Bay Region have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual violence or both, in their lifetime;
  •  Nearly 15% have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual violence or both, in the past year;
  • 3 out of every 10 adult women in the Bristol Bay Region have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime; and 
  • 4 out of every 10 have experienced intimate partner violence in their lifetime.
The survey was designed to measure the lifetime and past year exposure to sexual violence and intimate partner violence. It was conducted from April 2011 to June 2011 in the Dillingham Census Area, the Lake and Peninsula Borough, and the Bristol Bay Borough through a contract with the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA), with supplemental funding from the Governor's Choose Respect initiative to end the epidemic of domestic violence and sexual assault in Alaska. Respondents were randomly selected by phone (using both land lines and cellphones).  Details of the survey are available at:

This press conference was held jointly by Safe & Fear-Free Environment, Inc. (SAFE), the Bristol Bay Native Association, the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, and the UAA Justice Center.

More Information:
For more background on this project, visit
For more information about CDVSA, visit
For more information about SAFE, visit

Below are links to media coverage of this event:

"Survey Reveals Bristol Bay Intimate Partner Violence Numbers" (audio 5:13) by Daysha Eaton (KDLG Public Radio for Southwest Alaska, 12 Oct 2011).

Justice Club tour of U.S. Marshals Service offices postponed

The Justice Club tour of the U.S. Marshals Service offices originally scheduled for Friday, October 14 has been postponed until a later date.

Justice Club President Sam Peters reports that the club has the option, rather than touring the office, to have a couple of U.S. Marshals come to a meeting on campus for a roundtable-type discussion about being a Marshal, and what the job is really like.  Contact Sam Peters if you are interested in this option.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

2011 victimization survey results for Bristol Bay region to be released October 12

The results of the 2011 Victimization Survey for the Bristol Bay region will be introduced at a press conference on Wednesday, October 12, at 12:00 noon in Dillingham. This survey was conducted in the  Bristol Bay region through a contract with the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA). A brief overview of the survey will be followed by a presentation of the data and a discussion of the results.

This victimization survey was conducted in the Dillingham Census Area, the Lake and Peninsula Borough, and the Bristol Bay Borough from April 2011 to June 2011.  The survey was designed to measure the lifetime and past year exposure to sexual violence and intimate partner violence.

This press conference is held jointly by Safe & Fear-Free Environment, Inc. (SAFE), the Bristol Bay Native Association, the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, and the UAA Justice Center.

More Information:
For more background on this project, visit
For more information about CDVSA, visit
For more information about SAFE, visit

Monday, October 10, 2011

Dr. Chamard presents data on crime prevention at UAA Safety Awareness Month event

Dr. Chamard discusses crime prevention with student Dari Donkuro.
Dr. Sharon Chamard, Justice faculty, was a participant at the  "Safety & A Slice: An Interactive Exhibit" on crime prevention held Wednesday, September 28 in the Student Union Lounge.  Free pizza was part of the program.

Her poster presentation highlighted the two approaches to crime prevention: 1) situational and 2) social development, and included information on crime prevention strategies, risk factors for crime, and crime mapping. Dr. Chamard teaches courses on crime prevention, is a member of the University Police Department (UPD) Auxiliary Emergency Team, and was recently elected chair of the Anchorage Public Safety Advisory Commission. 

Representatives from the University Police Department (UPD), Student Conduct, Environmental Health & Safety, Volunteers of America, the Alaska Injury Prevention Center, and alcohol/drug educators,were among the other participants.  This program was one of several presented at UAA as part of National Campus Safety Awareness Month in September.

L to r: UPD Deputy Chief Brad Munn, UPD Lt. Ron Swartz,
and Dr. Sharon Chamard with Justice Center exhibit.

Justice Club to tour U.S. Marshals Service offices October 14

The Justice Club will tour the U.S. Marshals Service offices on Friday, October 14 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.  There are 15 slots for this Justice Club members-only tour.  Contact Sam Peters by Wednesday, October 12 to signup.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Victimization survey results show over half of the women in Fairbanks have experienced intimate partner violence or sexual violence

The results of the 2011 Victimization Survey for Fairbanks and the Fairbanks North Star Borough were released at a press conference on Friday, October 7, at 12 noon at the Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly Chambers.

The troubling numbers show:
  • 57% of adult women in the City of Fairbanks and 44.8% in the Fairbanks North Star Borough have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual violence or both, in their lifetime;
  • 11.5% of adult women in the City of Fairbanks and 5.5% in the Fairbanks North Star Borough have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual violence or both, in the past year;
  • 3 out of every 10 adult women in the City of Fairbanks have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime;
  • 5 out of every 10 in the City of Fairbanks have experienced intimate partner violence in their lifetime;
  • 3 out of every 10 adult women in the Fairbanks North Star Borough have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime; and
  • 3 out of every 10 in the Fairbanks North Star Borough have experienced intimate partner violence in their lifetime.

This survey was conducted in Fairbanks and the Fairbanks North Star Borough through a contract with the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA). This victimization survey was conducted in Fairbanks and the Fairbanks North Star Borough from April 2011 to June 2011.  The survey was designed to measure the lifetime and past year exposure to sexual violence and intimate partner violence. Details of the survey results are at

The press conference was held jointly by the Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living (IAC), the Fairbanks Domestic Violence Task Force, the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, and the UAA Justice Center.

Pictured after the press conference (l to r); Dr. André Rosay, UAA Justice Center Director; Lauree Morton, CDVSA Executive Director, Brenda Stanfill, Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living Director; and Katie TePas, Special Assistant to Governor Sean Parnell’s Choose Respect Initiative.

More Information:
For more background on this project, visit
For more information about CDVSA, visit
For more information about IAC, visit

Below are links to media coverage of this event:

"Domestic violence numbers in Fairbanks: The Numbers Might Surprise You" by Sam Friedman (Fairbanks Daily Newsminer, October 8, 2011)

KTVF TV video (1:39) (October 8, 2011)
"New study looks at women affected by domestic violence"

KTVF Channel 11 video (1:10):

Prof. Periman facilitates faculty sessions on scholarship of teaching and learning

Prof. Deb Periman, Justice faculty, will facilitate a series of five sessions for faculty on the topic of  "A Beginning Exploration of Assessing and Documenting Your Teaching." The focus of each session is the book, Inquiry into the College Classroom: A Journey Toward Scholarly Teaching.

This series is part of the "Making Learning Visible" project  is sponsored by the UAA Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE). The sessions will be held Fridays, 8:30 am - 10:00 am , October 14, 28, November 11, 18, and December 9, 2011 in LIB 304.

These sessions look at ways to identify and implement effective teaching strategies in the classroom and how to evaluate the success of these strategies using techniques that document and capture data in a structured manner. The methods outlined in Inquiry into the College Classroom help enhance teacher satisfaction and student learning by demonstrating how to ascertain if a teaching strategy is really working. This documentation informs your teaching and is also useful in preparing your tenure and promotion portfolio.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

2011 victimization survey results for Fairbanks to be released October 7

The results of the 2011 Victimization Survey for Fairbanks and the Fairbanks North Star Borough will be introduced at a press conference on Friday, October 7, at 12 noon at the Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly Chambers. This survey was conducted in Fairbanks and the Fairbanks North Star Borough through a contract with the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA). A brief overview of the survey will be followed by a presentation of the data and a discussion of the results.

This victimization survey was conducted in Fairbanks and the Fairbanks North Star Borough from April 2011 to June 2011.  The survey was designed to measure the lifetime and past year exposure to sexual violence and intimate partner violence.

The press conference is held jointly by the Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living (IAC), the Fairbanks Domestic Violence Task Force, the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, and the UAA Justice Center.

More Information:
For more background on this project, visit
For more information about CDVSA, visit
For more information about IAC, visit

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wanted: Women in Law Enforcement - Recruitment Fair, Today, October 5 at UAA Student Union

The third annual Women in Law Enforcement Recruitment Fair will be held today, Wednesday, October 5, from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the UAA Student Union, Upper Level  next to the Wells Fargo Sports Complex. Parking is free. This event is open to everyone.

Although Alaska's population is 48% female, only about 10% of sworn law enforcement officers are women. Law enforcement agencies are actively recruiting for female officers.

Local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies statewide will be participating including:
  • Alaska State Troopers
  • Anchorage Airport Police
  • Alaska Department of Corrections
  • FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Seward Police Department
  • Anchorage Police Department
  • Women Police of Alaska
  • DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration
  • U.S. Marshals Service
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Law Enforcement
  • IRS - Internal Revenue Service - Criminal Investigation Division
  • ATF - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
  • U.S. Air Force Reserve
  • Alaska Air National Guard
 This program is sponsored by the Women Police of Alaska with the support of the Alaska State Troopers, the Alaska Association of Chiefs of Police, and the UAA Justice Center.

Dr. Brad Myrstol is the faculty coordinator for this event.  For more information, call the Justice Center at 786-1810.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month was first observed in 1987 and was conceived by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.  The first Monday of October is designated a "Day of Unity" and is celebrated nationwide.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Victimization survey results show over half of the women in Anchorage have experienced intimate partner violence or sexual violence

The 2011 Alaska Victimization Survey results for Anchorage were released October 3 at a press conference at the Anchorage Museum. The troubling numbers show that:
  • Over 50% of adult women in the Municipality of Anchorage have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual violence or both, in their lifetime;
  • Over 8% have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual violence or both, in the past year;
  • Three out of every ten adult women in the Municipality of Anchorage have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime; and 
  • Four out of every ten have experienced intimate partner violence in their lifetime.
The survey was designed to measure the lifetime and past year exposure to sexual violence and intimate partner violence. It was conducted from April 2011 to June 2011 through a contract with the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA), with supplemental funding from the Governor's Choose Respect initiative to end the epidemic of domestic violence and sexual assault in Alaska.  Respondents were randomly selected by phone (using both land lines and cellphones).  Details of the survey results are at

Pictured after the after Anchorage press conference left to right: Lauree Morton, Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Executive Director (CDVSA); Nancy Haag, Standing Together Against Rape (STAR) Executive Director; Dr. André Rosay, UAA Justice Center Director; Susan Cushing, CDVSA Chair; Katie TePas, Special Assistant to Governor Sean Parnell’s Choose Respect Initiative; Sgt. Ken McCoy, Anchorage Police Department (APD); Amanda Matthews Abused Women’s Aid in Crisis (AWAIC) Program Manager; Melissa Emmal, AWAIC Deputy Director; Suzi Pearson, AWAIC Executive Director; and Lt. Dave Parker, APD.

Below are links to the media coverage of this event:

2011 victimization survey results for Anchorage to be released today at 1:00 p.m.

The results of the 2011 Victimization Survey for Anchorage will be introduced at a press conference on Monday, October 3, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. at the Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center Auditorium.  The survey was conducted in the Municipality of Anchorage through a contract with the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA).

The victimization survey was conducted in the Municipality of Anchorage from April 2011 to June 2011.  The survey was designed to measure the lifetime and past year exposure to sexual violence and intimate partner violence.

The press conference will immediately follow the opening ceremony at 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Domestic Violence Awareness Month Coalition event will include video remarks by Senator Lisa Murkowski and Senator Mark Begich, a State Proclamation by Attorney General John Burns, and the presentation of Domestic Violence Awareness Month awards.

The press conference is presented jointly by the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, AWAIC, STAR, and the UAA Justice Center.

More information:
For more background on this project, visit
For more information about CDVSA, visit
For more information on AWAIC, visit
For more information on STAR, visit

Justice Center participates in banned book read-out at Consortium Library

Kristi Powell (left) and Barbara Armstrong
The UAA/APU Consortium Library held a Banned Books Read-Out on Monday, September 26 from 12 noon - 3:00 p.m. to kick-off the observance of Banned Books Week (Sept. 24 - Oct. 1) sponsored by the American Library Association. Twenty-six readers participated in the UAA event.

Barbara Armstrong, Alaska Justice Forum editor, and Kristi Powell, UAA/APU Consortium Library Student Worker Supervisor/Reserves Manager, teamed up to read from Isabel Allende's House of the Spirits.  Barbara read from the original Spanish version and Kristi from an English translation. 

KTVA Channel 11 News covered the Read-Out. The video story is below.  Click here for the online article.