Monday, November 30, 2009
Dr. Chamard heads subcommittee of Anchorage's Homeless Leadership Team
See the Justice Center's Homelessness bibliography for other information about homelessness.
Dr. Rivera to assist Oregon Criminal Justice Commission
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Alaska Mentoring Initiative seeks mentors for Spring 2010
The Alaska Mentoring Initiative is a partnership between the University of Alaska Anchorage, the Alaska Division of Juvenile Justice, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska. Its goals are to enhance the civic engagement of University students with formal opportunities to mentor institutionalized youth and to empower institutionalized youth by having a mentor that will facilitate their re-entry into their home community.
For further information, email Dr. Rosay at
Thanksgiving holiday closure
Justice Club tour of Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory on Dec. 11
Please send an email to if you would like to attend. You must be a current Justice Club member and have paid the club dues for either the semester or the year to participate in this tour.
For more information about the Justice Club, see the Justice Club home page.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Fall 2009 final exam schedule
Dr. Rosay interviewed by KTUU Channel 2 News
The Alaska Senate Judiciary Committee Chair recently released their, "Report and Recommendations: Reducing Sexual Assault in Alaska." The Justice Center has a number of research reports on sexual assault nurse examinations.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Dr. Myrstol appointed to NeighborWorks Anchorage Board of Directors
Monday, November 16, 2009
Dr. Rosay assists with Muni of Anchorage report on sexual violence in Anchorage
For copies of the report, call the Safety Links Program at 907-343-6589. The report will be posted to the MOA website shortly.
Prof. Periman announces Diversity Committee film showing, "Crash"

"Crash" is a movie that casts light on bigotry and racial stereotypes as the story of people impacted by a car collision unfolds . The film is set in Los Angeles, a city with a cultural mix of every nationality.
Prof. Periman co-chairs the CHSW Diversity Committee.
Dr. Rivera to evaluate Oregon Family Connections Program
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Methamphetamines focus of research report and Research Overview
Evaluation methods included a survey to evaluate community education presentations; a survey conducted with UAA Justice students exposed to the anti-meth radio advertisements generated by the AME Project; a survey of 10,000 randomly sampled Alaskans; and a process evaluation involving interviews conducted with AME Project statewide advisory committee members.
Meth is also the focus of a new issue of the Justice Center Research Overview, also written by Marny Rivera and Jennifer McMullen — "Methamphetamine (Meth) Use, Trafficking, and Treatment" — which presents a summary of the meth problem in the U.S. and Alaska using the most recent available data on use, trafficking, and treatment related to methamphetamines.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Justice Club tour of Anchorage Correctional Complex on Nov. 20
The Justice Club is sponsoring a tour on November 20 at 10:00am of the Anchorage Correctional Complex. The jail is located at 1400 E. 4th Ave. between downtown and Mountain View.
The Justice Club has previously been to Hiland Mountain and Spring Creek correctional centers, both of which house prisoners after trial and conviction. The Anchorage Correctional Complex, however, houses a variety of inmates, and consequently a more complex security structure. As described by Anchorage jail architect Steve Fishback in a 2001 article in the Alaska Justice Forum, "The Design of the New Anchorage Jail":
Operating as a booking center and pretrial facility, the Anchorage jail will accept defendants who will be charged with a variety of offenses, including violent and destructive crimes. For this reason, the Anchorage jail has been designed and constructed as an extremely high security institution. Since the jail population will include sentenced misdemeanants, as well as individuals charged with serious crimes, the custody structure will range from minimum to close and maximum custody.
You must be a current Justice Club memeber and have paid the club dues for either the semester or the year to participate in the tour. You must also fill out a background check form and submit it to the Justice Center by November 12. This form is available in the Justice Center and on the Justice Club’s webpage.
For more information about the Justice Club, see the Justice Club home page.
Atlas of Anchorage Community Indicators released
By leveraging Geographic Information Systems methods and technology and using survey data, the Justice Center has been able to illustrate the distribution of these variables (by 2000 U.S. Census block group) throughout the Municipality of Anchorage. This will allow the audience to see patterns of distribution, and raises important questions about the spatial distribution of variables like Concentrated Disadvantage (a measure of relative neighborhood poverty) and Residential Stability (theorized to promote the evolution of common values). Ideally, this information will educate community councils, sociologists, and other stakeholders about the composition of Anchorage neighborhoods and the possible ramifications of that composition, and assist in policy making.
Dr. Rivera assists Oregon Treatment Courts
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Justice Center Research Overview: Two new issues on Anchorage arrestees & homelessness
- "Homelessness Among Drug-Using Adult Male Arrestees in Anchorage, 2000-2003" (July 2009)
- "Criminal Offending Among Homeless Drug-Using Male Arrestees, Anchorage, 2000–2003" (August 2009)
Although the program was discontinued in 2003, its data continues to be valuable for understanding alcohol and drug use among Anchorage arrestees. ADAM data was also the basis for a recent Alaska Justice Forum article by Brad Myrstol, "Drug Use Trajectories of Anchorage Male Arrestees: 2000–2003" (Summer 2009).
For further information, see our bibliographies on homelessness and on drugs & drug abuse.
Dr. Chamard interviewed by KTUU Channel 2 News about 2007 Anchorage Community Survey Report
The 2009 Anchorage Community Survey is currently underway, and the report from the survey is anticipated in late spring 2010.