Monday, December 21, 2009
Winter holiday closure
Monday, December 14, 2009
Dr. Rosay authors Victim Assistance Academy Training Needs Assessment
A summary of the report also appeared in the Summer 2009 Alaska Justice Forum.
Prof. Periman judges "We the People" competition
Eleven high school teams from Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Wasilla competed in this event in Anchorage sponsored by the Center for Civic Education. The West High School team won this year and will be going to Washington, D.C. in Spring 2010 for the national competition.
Three judges pictured above, left to right, Kristin Knudsen, Alaska Workers' Compensation Appeals Commission; Deborah Periman, Justice Center faculty; Monica Kane, UAA Academic Affairs.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Spring 2010 tuition waiver
Justice Center tuition waivers are awarded to recognize the student(s) who best represents those qualities we would most like to encourage in our students. These qualities include academic excellence and a willingness and ability to contribute to the field of justice and the program at UAA. Consideration may also be given to student financial need and affirmative action goals. Note: There are a limited number of tuition waiver credits awarded each academic year. Awarded tuition waiver credits may not cover 100% of tuition costs.
The eligible student must be an official justice major or officially admitted to the paralegal certificate program with a cumulative grade point average of 2.8 or higher and have completed a minimum of 12 credits in the justice major or paralegal program.
Justice Center tuition waiver applications can be picked up in the Justice Center office (LIB 213) or an application can be filled out and printed online.
Also attach a typewritten statement in which you explain why you feel you should be granted this tuition waiver. Your statement should include such things as quality classroom participation or presentations, research projects, internships, special projects, Justice Club and/or Alpha Phi Sigma activities, Student Showcase participation, and nature of your need if applicable. You may also present indicators of contributions to the Justice field and community and any other information about yourself which you feel supports your request for the tuition waiver.
Application deadline
All applications must be submitted to the Justice Center office no later than 5:00pm on Tuesday, January 19, 2010. Students who have been selected to receive a Spring 2010 tuition waiver, will be contacted by Friday, January 22, 2010. Justice Center hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm, unless otherwise posted.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sexual assault research by Dr. Rosay cited in Anchorage Daily News AlaskaAlmanac
Monday, December 7, 2009
Dr. Rosay participates in Violence Against Indian Women in Indian Country Project
Dr. Rivera assists Jackson County Treatment Courts with community education
Dr. Chamard reappointed to Anchorage Public Safety Advisory Commission
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Dr. Chamard interviewed by KTUU Channel 2 News about Homeless Leadership Team website
See the Justice Center's Homelessness bibliography for other information about homelessness.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Dr. Chamard heads subcommittee of Anchorage's Homeless Leadership Team
See the Justice Center's Homelessness bibliography for other information about homelessness.
Dr. Rivera to assist Oregon Criminal Justice Commission
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Alaska Mentoring Initiative seeks mentors for Spring 2010
The Alaska Mentoring Initiative is a partnership between the University of Alaska Anchorage, the Alaska Division of Juvenile Justice, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska. Its goals are to enhance the civic engagement of University students with formal opportunities to mentor institutionalized youth and to empower institutionalized youth by having a mentor that will facilitate their re-entry into their home community.
For further information, email Dr. Rosay at
Thanksgiving holiday closure
Justice Club tour of Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory on Dec. 11
Please send an email to if you would like to attend. You must be a current Justice Club member and have paid the club dues for either the semester or the year to participate in this tour.
For more information about the Justice Club, see the Justice Club home page.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Fall 2009 final exam schedule
Dr. Rosay interviewed by KTUU Channel 2 News
The Alaska Senate Judiciary Committee Chair recently released their, "Report and Recommendations: Reducing Sexual Assault in Alaska." The Justice Center has a number of research reports on sexual assault nurse examinations.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Dr. Myrstol appointed to NeighborWorks Anchorage Board of Directors
Monday, November 16, 2009
Dr. Rosay assists with Muni of Anchorage report on sexual violence in Anchorage
For copies of the report, call the Safety Links Program at 907-343-6589. The report will be posted to the MOA website shortly.
Prof. Periman announces Diversity Committee film showing, "Crash"

"Crash" is a movie that casts light on bigotry and racial stereotypes as the story of people impacted by a car collision unfolds . The film is set in Los Angeles, a city with a cultural mix of every nationality.
Prof. Periman co-chairs the CHSW Diversity Committee.
Dr. Rivera to evaluate Oregon Family Connections Program
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Methamphetamines focus of research report and Research Overview
Evaluation methods included a survey to evaluate community education presentations; a survey conducted with UAA Justice students exposed to the anti-meth radio advertisements generated by the AME Project; a survey of 10,000 randomly sampled Alaskans; and a process evaluation involving interviews conducted with AME Project statewide advisory committee members.
Meth is also the focus of a new issue of the Justice Center Research Overview, also written by Marny Rivera and Jennifer McMullen — "Methamphetamine (Meth) Use, Trafficking, and Treatment" — which presents a summary of the meth problem in the U.S. and Alaska using the most recent available data on use, trafficking, and treatment related to methamphetamines.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Justice Club tour of Anchorage Correctional Complex on Nov. 20
The Justice Club is sponsoring a tour on November 20 at 10:00am of the Anchorage Correctional Complex. The jail is located at 1400 E. 4th Ave. between downtown and Mountain View.
The Justice Club has previously been to Hiland Mountain and Spring Creek correctional centers, both of which house prisoners after trial and conviction. The Anchorage Correctional Complex, however, houses a variety of inmates, and consequently a more complex security structure. As described by Anchorage jail architect Steve Fishback in a 2001 article in the Alaska Justice Forum, "The Design of the New Anchorage Jail":
Operating as a booking center and pretrial facility, the Anchorage jail will accept defendants who will be charged with a variety of offenses, including violent and destructive crimes. For this reason, the Anchorage jail has been designed and constructed as an extremely high security institution. Since the jail population will include sentenced misdemeanants, as well as individuals charged with serious crimes, the custody structure will range from minimum to close and maximum custody.
You must be a current Justice Club memeber and have paid the club dues for either the semester or the year to participate in the tour. You must also fill out a background check form and submit it to the Justice Center by November 12. This form is available in the Justice Center and on the Justice Club’s webpage.
For more information about the Justice Club, see the Justice Club home page.
Atlas of Anchorage Community Indicators released
By leveraging Geographic Information Systems methods and technology and using survey data, the Justice Center has been able to illustrate the distribution of these variables (by 2000 U.S. Census block group) throughout the Municipality of Anchorage. This will allow the audience to see patterns of distribution, and raises important questions about the spatial distribution of variables like Concentrated Disadvantage (a measure of relative neighborhood poverty) and Residential Stability (theorized to promote the evolution of common values). Ideally, this information will educate community councils, sociologists, and other stakeholders about the composition of Anchorage neighborhoods and the possible ramifications of that composition, and assist in policy making.
Dr. Rivera assists Oregon Treatment Courts
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Justice Center Research Overview: Two new issues on Anchorage arrestees & homelessness
- "Homelessness Among Drug-Using Adult Male Arrestees in Anchorage, 2000-2003" (July 2009)
- "Criminal Offending Among Homeless Drug-Using Male Arrestees, Anchorage, 2000–2003" (August 2009)
Although the program was discontinued in 2003, its data continues to be valuable for understanding alcohol and drug use among Anchorage arrestees. ADAM data was also the basis for a recent Alaska Justice Forum article by Brad Myrstol, "Drug Use Trajectories of Anchorage Male Arrestees: 2000–2003" (Summer 2009).
For further information, see our bibliographies on homelessness and on drugs & drug abuse.
Dr. Chamard interviewed by KTUU Channel 2 News about 2007 Anchorage Community Survey Report
The 2009 Anchorage Community Survey is currently underway, and the report from the survey is anticipated in late spring 2010.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Dr. Rivera elected Chair of the CHSW Curriculum Committee
Dr. Chamard quoted in Anchorage Daily News re H2H project
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Women in Law Enforcement Fair a great success
- Top - Patrol cars from the Anchorage Airport Police, Anchorage Police Department, and the Alaska State Troopers were staged in front of the Student Union during the event.
- Trooper Sgt. Maurice Hughes talks with UAA Justice student Sarah Herrin.
- Officer Julie Hellrung of the Anchorage Airport Police and her explosives detection canine, "Dasty," take a break.
- Students discuss careers with Sgt. Bob Thompson, Fairbanks Police Dept. (far left) and with DEA Diversion Investigator Candy Kopf (far right).
- Students gather to talk to Deputy U.S. Marshal Jimmy Johnson (left in cap) and his explosives detection canine "MacDuff," and to Deputy U.S. Marshal Rochelle Liedeke (facing front) of the U.S. Marshals Service.
Dr. Chamard invited to participate in Anchorage Fire Fighters Fire Ops 101 event
Monday, October 26, 2009
Prof. Periman speaks on researching specific legal issues
Friday, October 23, 2009
Anchorage Community Survey 2007: Three new reports
- The Anchorage Community Survey, 2007: Executive Summary, revised ed.
- The Anchorage Community Survey, 2007: Sourcebook
- Community Indicators Project at UAA: Anchorage Police Department Related Results
The biannual Anchorage Community Survey (ACS), part of the Justice Center's Community Indicators Project, provides one of the most detailed pictures available of community attitudes within the network of communities forming the Anchorage municipality. The survey reports contain information on the demographics of residents, their perceptions of life in their neighborhoods, social activities and organizations, and satisfaction with various municipal and government functions, including policing. The first Anchorage Community Survey was conducted in 2005. The 2009 survey is currently in progress.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Women in Law Enforcement Recruitment Fair on October 22
Representatives from the following state and federal agencies will be at the Thursday, October 22 "Women in Law Enforcement Recruitment Fair" on the upper level of the UAA Student Union. The Recruitment Fair runs from 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
- U.S. Marshals Service
- Anchorage Airport Police & Fire
- Alaska State Troopers
- Alaska Department of Corrections
- Fairbank Police Department
- Kodiak Police Department
- North Slope Borough Police Department
- Sand Point Police Department
- Seward Police Department
- Sitka Police Department
- Valdez Police Department
Justice Center research cited in Senate Judiciary Committee report on sexual assault
KTUU Channel 2 News covered the release of the report and related stories.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Dr. Rosay quoted in ADN article on "safety hour" for bars
Friday, October 16, 2009
Summer 2009 issue of Alaska Justice Forum
The 12-page issue includes the following articles:
"Drug Use Trajectories of Anchorage Male Arrestees: 2000–2003" by Brad A. Myrstol
Using data collected in Anchorage as part of the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) program, this article reports the preliminary findings of a developmental study of the connection between the use of illicit drugs and criminal offending. Results show that for each of five illicit drugs (marijuana, crack cocaine, powder cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin), there were dramatic increases in (1) arrestees’ drug use levels, and (2) the number of arrestees who intensified their drug use, approximately 90 to 120 days prior to arrest. These findings suggest that analysis of drug use trajectories preceding crime events may be important for furthering our understanding of the drug use-crime connection."A Look at Homelessness in Alaska"
Homelessness, and its impact on individuals, families, and society, is an issue of growing concern both nationally and in Alaska. This article provides information on homelessness in Alaska and nationally. On a single night in January 2008, the U.S. homeless population was estimated at 664,000. In 2008, Alaska at 0.24 per cent ranked number 10 among states for estimates of homeless persons as a percent of a state’s total population; a single-night count in January 2009 placed Alaska's homeless count at 4,583."Victim Service Training Needs: State Victim Assistance Academy" by André B. Rosay
Victims for Justice, a community-based crime victim service organization located in Anchorage, began in 2008 to develop a plan for a State Victim Assistance Academy for Alaska. As a first step in developing the academy, Victims for Justice in partnership with the UAA Justice Center conducted a needs assessment survey, with results reported in this brief article.
Bryan Brandenburg, Dept. of Corrections, visits with Justice Center faculty
Dr. Chamard appointed to Anchorage Homeless Leadership Team
KTUU Channel 2 News had coverage of the Homeless Leadership Team's first meeting on Thursday, October 16, 2009.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Dr. Rosay appointed to Responsible Conduct of Research Committee
Monday, October 12, 2009
Prof. Periman to speak Oct. 23 on legal ethics to paralegals
Monday, October 5, 2009
Justice Center faculty to present at American Society of Criminology in November
Dr. Sharon Chamard will present on "Chronic Public Inebriate Movement Patterns: Response to Disruptions in Preferred Environments" on Thursday, November 5, 2009.
Dr. Brad Myrstol will present on "The Drug Use Trajectories of Arrestees" on Friday, November 6, 2009.
Dr. Marny Rivera and Jennifer McMullen, Research Assistant, will make a presentation on "Effects of an Anti-Methamphetamine Program" on Saturday, November 7, 2009. Dr. Rivera is the principal investigator for the evaluation project of the Alaska Meth Education Project.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Dr. Chamard provides technical assistance for Spenard Community Survey
There are four components to the project. The first is a study of hotels and motels in Spenard; this will be done as a class project in Dr. Chamard’s JUST A490 course, “Business and Crime.” The other three components involve surveying residents, business owners, and employees about fear of crime, areas where they feel unsafe in the neighborhood, what types of crimes and social disorder they find especially troublesome, and the nature and quality of their interactions with employees of the Anchorage Police Department. Three Master's students from the UAA Engineering and Science Management Department will be assisting with data collection and analysis as part of their graduate level course in statistics.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Dr. Rosay meets with Attorney General Sullivan regarding violence against women in Alaska
Justice exit exams for Fall 2009 graduation
Time/location: The Justice Exit Exam will be administered:
- In SSB 223 on Friday, November 20, 2009 from 10:30–12:00 PM
- In SSB 223 on Friday, December 4, 2009 from 2:00–3:30 PM
Grading: Currently there is no minimum score on the test required for graduation, and the test is taken anonymously.
Proof of identity: Exit exams are taken anonymously, but you will be required to fill out a sign-in form so we know you have fulfilled the requirement for graduation under the new Justice BA requirements. You will need to show a picture ID before taking the exit exam. You may use your Wolfcard, driver’s license, or any state picture id card as proof of your identity.
Note: This notice only pertains to those students who are planning to graduate in the Fall 2009 semester under the 2004-2005 or later catalog. If you are graduating under a previous catalog, you do not need to take the Justice Exit Exam. The Justice Exit Exam is administered during the Spring and Fall semesters only. Those students graduating in the Summer will need to take the exit exam the previous Spring semester. Students who plan to graduate during the Summer semester, but do not take the exam in the Spring, technically will not be graduated until they take the exit exam the following Fall semester.
Dr. Rosay presents to State of Alaska Children's Justice Act Task Force
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Dr. Rivera presents to Jackson County Oregon Treatment Courts annual retreat
Women in Law Enforcement Recruitment Fair to be held October 22
The Justice Center is assisting with the Women in Law Enforcement Recruitment Fair to be held on Thursday, October 22, 2009 from 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. in the UAA Student Union (Upper Level - Next to Wells Fargo Sports Complex). This event is open to everyone. Parking is free.
This recruitment fair is sponsored by the Women Police of Alaska with the support of the Alaska State Troopers, the Alaska Association of Chiefs of Police, and the UAA Justice Center.
Call the Justice Center at 786-1810 for more information.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Spring 2010 Justice & Paralegal internship application deadline
Monday, September 21, 2009
Dr. Rivera authors evaluation of Oregon Adult Drug Court
The report examined recidivism (misdemeanor and felony level charges and conviction status) for participants in the drug court after 90 days, 120 days, and 180 days (dosage), and one full year of treatment. An important finding was that a substantial amount of recidivism takes place within the first 90 days of the program, before drug treatment has had an effect on the bodies and behavior of participants. The implication is that it is important to take treatment dosage (length of time in treatment) into consideration when judging the impact of substance use treatment on behavior, such as criminal recidivism.
Dr. Barnes serves on Faculty Senate Academic Assessment Committee
Dr. Chamard speaks at recovery and treatment community event
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Justice Club minutes for September 15 meeting
Justice Club secretary
Minutes for meeting of Tuesday, September 15, 2009
ADM 143B
Meeting Info
- Meetings will be held every Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. in Admin Rm. 143b. The last Tuesday of the month is reserved for an officers meeting.
- This is a great opportunity to exchange your old class books for ones you need. The book exchange will be up around the end of October after spring classes have been announced. Please watch for flyers around campus for up dates.
- Please make sure you have paid your dues for the year. We will start sending out emails to all new members to make sure we have new member email addresses correct.
- AWA wants to give a talk to the Justice Club. We would like to have their organization speak with the club about internships that are available through their organization. The club would like to do this in the near future, but only if there is enough interest expressed. Please email the Justice Club at with “AWA” in the subject line to let us know you are interested.
- The Justice Club Treasurer Sarah has revamped our applications! Please thank her if you see her. The applications will be available on our website. Please get your applications to a Justice Club officer or as always, you may drop them off with Melissa in the Justice Center. [blog note: new applications will be online shortly]
- The Justice Club is looking into taking over the lockers in the SSB to rent out. This is a great opportunity for our club to make money.
- We will again have our booth at the Annual Halloween event put on through club council. Please let us know your ideas for games and activities we can have at our booth.
- We are looking into doing a club social and coordinating with other clubs that are popular minors among Justice majors. A possible venue discussed was the Cuddy Center.
Approved as to form and content by: Eva Gomez, President
For more information about the Justice Club, see the Justice Club home page.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Justice Club info for Fall 2009 semester
Day: Every Tuesday (The last Tuesday of every month will be reserved as an officer meeting.)Officers for the 2009/2010 academic year are:
Time: 11:30 AM
Room: ADM 143B
President: Eva GomezThe Justice Club can be reached at its email address,
Vice President: Michael Guzy
Secretary: Kristen Doughty
Treasurer: Sarah Peterson
Club Coucil Representative: Eryne Reilly
Events Coordinator: Kristin Machado
For more information about the Justice Club, including the Justice Club application form, see the Justice Club home page.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Prof. Periman presents at federal paralegal workshop
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Dr. Rosay presents to the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Kodiak
Dr. Chamard represents Justice Center at Behavioral Health Alliance meeting
Prof. Periman presents to the Alaska Association of Paralegals
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Justice Center data cited in media reports
Monday, August 31, 2009
Prof. Periman facilitates LSAT review workshop for UAA students
Dr. Chamard authors monograph on homeless encampments for U.S. Department of Justice
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Fall 2009 academic information
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UAA/APU Consortium Library. Photo by Melissa S. Green |
See faculty office hours for faculty email addresses and phone numbers. If you don't know who your advisor is, call our main line 786-1810, and we'll provide you with that information. We cannot, however, set appointments for you: you must schedule directly with your advisor or instructor.
Don’t forget we have a computer lab for Justice Center students open Monday thru Friday, 8:00 AM–5:00 PM (closed on holidays) located in our office suite, Library 213.
Remember that the deadline for applications for the Fall 2009 tuition waiver is August 31 at 5:00 PM. See our post on the tuition waiver further information, including the application form.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Dr. Rivera co-authors chapter for juvenile justice textbook
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Fall 2009 tuition waiver
Justice Center tuition waivers are awarded to recognize the student(s) who best represents those qualities we would most like to encourage in our students. These qualities include academic excellence and a willingness and ability to contribute to the field of justice and the program at UAA. Consideration may also be given to student financial need and affirmative action goals.
The eligible student must be an official justice major or officially admitted to the paralegal certificate program with a cumulative grade point average of 2.8 or higher and have completed a minimum of 12 credits in the justice major or paralegal program.
Justice Center tuition waiver applications can be picked up in the Justice Center office (LIB 213) or an application can be filled out and printed online.
Also attach a typewritten statement in which you explain why you feel you should be granted this tuition waiver. Your statement should include such things as quality classroom participation or presentations, research projects, internships, special projects, Justice Club and/or Alpha Phi Sigma activities, Student Showcase participation, and nature of your need if applicable. You may also present indicators of contributions to the Justice field and community and any other information about yourself which you feel supports your request for the tuition waiver.
Application deadline
All applications must be submitted to the Justice Center office no later than 5:00pm on Monday August 31, 2009. Students who have been selected to receive a Fall 2009 tuition waiver, will be contacted by September 3, 2009. Justice Center hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm, unless otherwise posted.
Alan McKelvie, Alaska Justice SAC Director, heads the Alaska National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) project
Monday, August 17, 2009
Justice Center faculty honored for years of UAA service
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Professor Huskey, University of Texas School of Law, speaks about representing Guantanamo detainees
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Dr. Rosay presents to Alaska Division of Juvenile Justice senior managers meeting
Monday, August 10, 2009
Prof. Jim Wolfe to present on evidence collection at Canadian conference
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Sen. Hollis French cites Justice Center sexual assault research
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Justice Center sexual assault research presented to Senate Judiciary Committee
Members of the committee are Senator Hollis French (D-Anchorage), Chair; Senator Bill Wielechowski (D-Anchorage), Vice Chair; Senator Lesil McGuire (R-Anchorage); Senator Gene Therriault (R-North Pole); and Senator Dennis Egan (D-Juneau).
Dr. Rosay's Powerpoint presentation to the committee can be viewed here.
For further information on sexual assault in Alaska, see the Justice Center bibliography on violence against women.
The committee hearing was covered by Anchorage television stations:
- "Alaska remains #1 with sexual assault" by Christina Grande, KTVA Channel 11 News, August 3, 2009.
- "Committee hears details of Alaska's sexual assault problem" by Rhonda McBride, KTUU Channel 2 News, August 3, 2009.
Dr. Chamard appointed to police chief search committee
The search committee will identify and recommend candidates for the position of police chief. Members of the committee include experts in law enforcement, community development, and business administration. This group will meet shortly to develop a formal timeline.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Fall 2009: Welcome to new & returning Justice Center students!
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UAA/APU Consortium Library. Photo by Melissa S. Green |
Looking for information about class schedules or other academic information? From the Justice Center home page, select Academic from the menu bar across the top of the page for information on the Justice B.A. or Paralegal Certificate programs, class schedules, syllabi (as they become available), and other student information.
Don’t forget we have a computer lab for Justice Center students open Monday thru Friday, 8:00 AM–5:00 PM (closed on holidays) located in our office suite, Library 213.
If you have any questions or need to talk to an advisor, faculty will be returning August 10. They will be available to set up appointments with students at that time.
If you do not know who your advisor is, call our main line 786-1810, and we'll provide you with that information.
If you must meet with an advisor prior to August 10, the College of Health and Social Welfare (CHSW) has an advisor on call to answer questions about the Justice Center programs. You can contact Russ Pressley, CHSW Academic Advising Coordinator, at 786-4405.
We look forward to seeing you this fall!
Spring 2009 issue of Alaska Justice Forum
The 12-page issue includes the following articles:
"Anchorage Wellness Court: Challenges" by Ronald S. Everett
This article examines the Anchorage Wellness Court (AWC), which deals with misdemeanor alcohol offenders, including those who drive under the influence (DUI); discusses the concepts of therapeutic jurisprudence and problem-solving courts; and examines the challenges to the longstanding need and demonstrated potential for success of the AWC program. The author discusses societal views of DUI drivers and explores the broader issue of “impaired” drivers: those, for example, who drive while talking on cell phones. Four recommendations are given for the AWC: to reorient and/or clarify policy goals regarding drunk drivers; to develop alternative treatment programs and expand the number of available treatment providers; to establish a 5-year follow-up program with potential for expunging arrest and conviction records and other incentives; and to develop proactive, rather than reactive, polices of prevention to confront alcohol-impaired drivers and the underlying problem of alcohol abuse and addiction. A sidebar highlights sanctions for DUIs under Alaska Statute Section 28.35.030 and Anchorage Municipal Code 9.28.020.
"Justice System Operating Expenditures"
This article looks at changes in justice system operating expenditures for the period FY 2000–2010, and total operating expenditures for all state agencies for the same period. FY09 final budget for the State of Alaska includes $229 million in stimulus funds, a portion of which have been applied for by the Department of Public Safety, including the Alaska State Troopers. Total Alaska justice system operating expenditures grew by 68 percent from FY 2000–2010 while the total state operating budget for all agencies grew by 75 percent
"Criminal Justice Working Group Update" by Teresa White Carns
Coordinated and staffed by the Alaska Judicial Council, the Criminal Justice Working Group (CJWG) is made up of representatives from the executive branch justice agencies and other justice system agencies and organizations in Alaska. The CWCG has focused on two main aspects of the criminal justice system: crime prevention and reduction of recidivism; and efficiencies in the system. This article outlines the CJWG's recent work and accomplishments.
This article discusses therapeutic jurisprudence and describes therapeutic and problem-solving courts and their common elements. Therapeutic courts currently operating in the Alaska Court System — including addictions (drug and alcohol), mental health, and other therapeutic courts — are described, as well as other programs in Alaska that have been developed to address particular issues falling under the rubric of therapeutic jurisprudence, including community justice centers.
"Further Reading on Therapeutic Justice"
A bibliography or articles and studies on therapeutic courts and jurisprudence nationally and in Alaska. Most are available online.
Announcing the appointment of Dr. André Rosay as Director of the Justice Center; Dr. Brad Myrstol as Assistant Professor; and Khristy Parker and Jennifer McMullen as research assistants.
Announcing the retirement of Dr. Lawrence Trostle, an 18-year faculty member, from the Justice Center.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Dr. Chamard interviewed by Anchorage Press
Friday, July 24, 2009
Dr. Rosay to present sexual assault research to Alaska Senate Judiciary Committee
Members of the committee are Senator Hollis French (D-Anchorage), Chair; Senator Bill Wielechowski (D-Anchorage), Vice Chair; Senator Lesil McGuire (R-Anchorage); Senator Gene Therriault (R-North Pole); and Senator Dennis Egan (D-Juneau).
For further information on sexual assault in Alaska, see the Justice Center bibliography on violence against women.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Justice Center welcomes new writer and editor
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Justice Center grad assists in prisoner reentry program
Research Overview: Sex Offender Registries and Notification Programs
The research overview was prepared by Deborah Periman, who has previously written on Alaska's sex offender registry law for the Spring/Summer 2008 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum.
Dr. Everett joins criminal justice study tour in Germany
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Justice Center concludes Group-Based Models Workshop
Workshop participants are pictured here, back row, left to right: Dr. Adrienne Freng, Associate Professor, Dept. of Criminal Justice, University of Wyoming; Dr. Brad Myrstol, Assistant Professor, UAA Justice Center; Alan McKelvie, Director, Alaska Justice Statistical Analysis Center; Dr. Darryl Wood, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Political Science & Criminal Justice, Washington State University, Vancouver; Gregory Matt Snodgrass, Ph.D. Student, Carnegie Mellon Heinz College.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Justice Center faculty and staff additions
Khristy Parker, B.A., University of Alaska Anchorage and Jennifer McMullen, M.A., Simon Fraser University, have joined the staff as research assistants. Ms. Parker will be working with Dr. Sharon Chamard on aspects of the Anchorage Community Survey and other projects, and Ms. McMullen will be working with Dr. Marny Rivera on the evaluation of the Alaska Meth Education Project.
Prof. Periman teaches at Color of Justice 2009
Left to right: Professor Periman and co-presenter Susan Lee, Director of Admissions for Gonzaga University School of Law highlighted the academic roadmap for planning for college, law school, and a career in justice.