from Lacy JensenClub Council Representative
Justice Club30 Attend Spring Creek Tour!!! WOW!
Friday proved to be a great day for 30 members of the justice club + one bus driver. The tour to the Spring Creek Correctional Center was amazing. This being the biggest Justice Club event in years, the 30 Justice Club members were split in to three groups with tour guides: Superintendent John Turnbull, Assistant Superintendent Thomas Reimer, & Sergeant Lapinskas, who were outstanding and gave us an exceptional level of accommodation. We were given a tour of the entire facility, excluding the armed tower and security truck of course. The tour consisted of visiting the kitchen and maintenance area, which employed prisoners who are very well trusted. Those who were hungry had a tasty prison meal of sloppy joes. We also went to the maximum security housing which was very educational/creepy, as well as the housing for the prisoners with mental/behavioral issues. The gym and yard were full of prisoners during their recreational time as we walked through; we were mixed right in with the inmates. The tour was very intriguing, educational, and exciting.
We would like to thank August Knutsen again for helping to fund the trip and also Dr. Rosay and the Justice Center for helping to fund the trip. Hopefully this tour can become a yearly event for the Justice Club and its future members because it is well worth it. If you missed it, demand it next spring!! Thanks again to everyone who helped make this possible, and hope everyone that went had a blast! Check out the attached picture & see you next time!
Lacy Jensen
Justice Club
Club Council Representative