Monday, August 5, 2013

Drs. Barnes and Rivera serve on College of Health Academic Assessment Task Force

Dr. Allan Barnes and Dr. Marny Rivera, Justice faculty, are serving on the College of Health (COH) Academic Assessment Task Force formed by Dean Bill Hogan.

The purpose of the task force is to evaluate the general state of academic assessment in the College of Health, and provide feedback and recommendations to the Dean. The task force will review plans and surveys, meet with selected programs, and prepare a report for the dean. The main work of the task force will be completed by August 9 with a report to follow.  Dr. Barnes is the task force coordinator.

Task force members are:
Prof. Stephanie Olson – Dental Hygiene
Prof. Catherine Sullivan – Nursing
Dr. Marny Rivera – Justice
Dr. Beth Sirles – Social Work
Dr. Allan Barnes  - Justice - Task Force Coordinator