Friday, February 27, 2009
Justice Center to host annual reception April 7
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Alaska Supreme Court Justice Robert Eastaugh to speak to Paralegal Studies students
Dr. Chamard heads data update for 2008 United Way Community Assessment Report (CAP)

Dr. Sharon Chamard, Justice Center faculty, headed the update of secondary data for the 2008 United Way CAP report which gathered information, trends and community perceptions on the local economy, education, health, the natural environment, public safety, and the social environment. These indicators will be used to develop community plans for action to improve the quality of life in Anchorage. A newspaper insert about the CAP report will be distributed March 8. The full report, Envision Anchorage: Anchorage Community Assessment Project 2008 Report, is available on the United Way Anchorage website.
Dr. Rosay assists Anchorage Police Department with 2009-2013 strategic plan
- improve APD’s human capital,
- improve the public’s perception of the department,
- enhance the department’s performance,
- advance the employment of technology, and
- project and prioritize capital needs.
Dr. Rivera to head evaluation of MOA Alaska Methamphetamine Education Project (AME)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Justice Club: McLaughlin Youth Center tour on Thursday, March 5
Justice Club members interested in attending should email Kristin Machado, Justice Club Events Coordinator, at so she can collect a list of attendees.
For more information about the Justice Club, see the Justice Club home page.
New publication: Justice Center Research Overview
The publication's inaugural issue, "Batterer Intervention Programs (BIPs)" prepared by Khristy Parker, provides an overview of key research findings nationally and in Alaska on batterer intervention programs (BIPs). BIPs are intervention and treatment programs intended to reduce recidivism rates among men arrested for domestic violence offenses.
Dr. Rosay presents to Alaska State Troopers Commanders Conference
Additional information from Justice Center research about violence against women in Alaska can be found on our Violence against women page.
Dr. Rivera interviewed by KBYR Radio 700 AM
Dr. Rivera discussed findings of a recent study, Descriptive Analysis of Assaults in Domestic Violence Incidents Reported to Alaska State Troopers: 2004 by Marny Rivera, André Rosay, Darryl Wood, Greg Postle, and Katherine TePas. The same data was also the basis for a recent article, "Assaults in Domestic Violence Incidents Reported to Alaska State Troopers" by Marny Rivera, André B. Rosay, Darryl S. Wood, Greg Postle, and Katherine TePas, Alaska Justice Forum 25(3) (Fall 2008).
Dr. Rivera was previously interviewed on KSDP 830 — Sandpoint on February 6; that interview can be listened to online.
For additional publications about domestic violence in Alaska, see the Justice Center's domestic violence bibliography.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Justice Club: Spring Creek tour to be held April 10
Background check: Everyone who wished the tour must fill out a background check form. Forms will be available in the Justice Center, or ask a Justice Club officer. The form must be filled out and returned to an officer or to the Justice Center by March 20th. Get your forms in early please, if your form isn't in by then, then you will not be allowed to go.
Justice Club membership: To attend, you must be a Justice Club member and your dues must be paid.
Transportation will hopefully be by a shuttle bus all the way to Seward and back. Everyone riding the bus will need to sign a release form on the day of the tour. Students can also drive their own cars or carpool.
Questions: Direct them to the Justice Club events coordinator Kristin Machado at the Justice Club's new email address,
For more information about the Justice Club, see the Justice Club home page.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Dr. Everett to review grant proposals for National Science Foundation
Announcing the UAA Justice Center blog
The most recent news will continue to be highlighted on the Justice Center home page, with links to the individual blog posts or publications that fill in the details. Older items will continue to be archived on the blog. You can also keep track of Justice Center news by subscribing to the blog using your favorite newsreader (see subscription link on the blog home page).
The blog, and the accompanying changes to the design of our home page, are part of a general redesign of the Justice Center Web Site. Please cOME again to see our changes as they progress.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Anchorage Daily News cites Dr. Rivera's domestic violence report
The story was drawn from Descriptive Analysis of Assaults in Domestic Violence Incidents Reported to Alaska State Troopers: 2004 by Marny Rivera, André Rosay, Darryl Wood, Greg Postle, and Katherine TePas. The same data was also the basis for a recent article, "Assaults in Domestic Violence Incidents Reported to Alaska State Troopers" by Marny Rivera, André B. Rosay, Darryl S. Wood, Greg Postle, and Katherine TePas, Alaska Justice Forum 25(3) (Fall 2008).
For additional publications about domestic violence in Alaska, see the Justice Center's domestic violence bibliography.
Dr. Chamard interviewed by KTUU Channel 2 News
Dr. Sharon Chamard, Justice Center faculty member, was interviewed on February 15, 2009 by KTUU Channel 2 News about how the economic downturn might affect crime. Dr. Chamard noted that people often turn to alcohol during times of economic stress, which might mean an increase in alcohol-related crime such as domestic violence.
The story, including video, is available on KTUU's website: "Police fear bad economy will lead to rise in crime" by Leyla Santiago, February 15, 2009.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Justice Center data cited during testimony at Alaska Senate Judiciary Committee
Reports referenced in Commissioner Masters' testimony include:
- Turnover Among Alaska Village Public Safety Officers: An Examination of the Factors Associated With Attrition by Darryl S. Wood. (March 2000).
- Descriptive Analysis of Sexual Assault Incidents Reported to Alaska State Troopers: 2003-2004 by Greg Postle, André B. Rosay, Darryl S. Wood, and Katherine TePas. (2007).
- Descriptive Analysis of Assaults in Domestic Violence Incidents Reported to Alaska State Troopers: 2004 by Marny Rivera, André B. Rosay, Darryl S. Wood, Greg Postle, and Katherine TePas. (2008.)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Dr. Chamard provides training to Anchorage Police Department
Monday, February 9, 2009
Justice Center research data featured on national domestic violence website
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Dr. Marny Rivera interviewed about domestic violence on Alaska Public Radio — KSDP Sandpoint
Listen online. The interview is available as an .mp3 audio file n KSDP's website:
"Interview With Dr. Marny Rivera" by Kells Hetherington, interviewer. Meet the People. Sandpoint, AK: KSDP 830 AM, 6 Feb 2009.Dr. Rivera discussed findings of a recent study, Descriptive Analysis of Assaults in Domestic Violence Incidents Reported to Alaska State Troopers: 2004 by Marny Rivera, André Rosay, Darryl Wood, Greg Postle, and Katherine TePas. The same data was also the basis for a recent article, "Assaults in Domestic Violence Incidents Reported to Alaska State Troopers" by Marny Rivera, André B. Rosay, Darryl S. Wood, Greg Postle, and Katherine TePas, Alaska Justice Forum 25(3) (Fall 2008).
For additional publications about domestic violence in Alaska, see the Justice Center's domestic violence bibliography.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Justice Club: Criminal justice study tour in Germany: July 17-Aug 2, 2009
Criminal Justice Study Tour in Germany (click for flier)
July 17 - August 2, 2009
Application deadline February 23, 2009
Sponsored by the Center for International Studies, University of Missouri — St. Louis
Justice Club members who might be interested in going should contact:
Justice Center
The Justice Club is working on ideas to help interested individuals with sponsors and fundraising.
For more information about the Justice Club, see the Justice Club home page.
Justice Club minutes for February 4 meeting
Justice Club president
Justice Club
Minutes for Wednesday February 4, 2009
New Meeting Time: Every other Monday at 4pm. Don't panic. If you can't make the meeting times; we will always send out the minutes so that you can see what you missed and can keep up with the activities that we're offering.
Valentine's Day Fund Raiser: On the 11th and the 12th we will be holding a Bake Sale/ fundraiser on the SSB building by Starbucks and hopefully in the Student Union as well. The club sweat shirts will be for sale there as well ($35 for members and faculty $40 for everyone else). If you are avalible the nights before to bake please send us an email saying what you'd like to commit to bringing. We also need indiviudals who are willing to help run the table. If you are avaliable anytime between noon and 4pm on those days please let us know and we'd be glad to plug you into a time slot.
Moose's Tooth Party: We're having are Cabin Fever Social/Party at Mooses's Tooth on Sunday February 15th around 8pm. you can show up sooner. You must be a Justice Club member or a faculty member in order to have the club pay for pizza. Per UAA policy we can only pay for two beers for students who are old enough and plan to drink. We ask that you please remain respectful of the club and who we represent and not exceed this limit unless you are paying for it and you have a ride home of your own.
Other activities: We have had requests for a lot of fun activities and tours. Keep checking your inboxes to be updated for up and coming events. If you have any activities that you would like to do with the Justice Club please let us know. There will be a bowling night this spring and some members are trying to get a skiing party together.
ACJS Conference: If you'd like to go to the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference please contact a Justice Club officer. It will be in Boston MA this year from March 10th-14th. To register for the conference you must be an ACJS member. Simply go to their website and pay the $30 enrollment fee. The deadlines for travel grants are past. If you plan on going you'll have to ind your own sponsors and pay for you own trip. The Justice Club is planning to help with fund raising such as bake sales and Sweatshirt sales.
New Treasurer: We'd like to welcome Eva Gomez to the infamously named Justice League. She is detail oriented and very driven. I look forward to working with her. She is a great leader and many of you already know her from class.
That's all we have for now. We'll keep you posted as each thing comes up. We are working on updating our website.
Have a great week see you all in class!
Jesse Chase
UAA Justice Club President
For more information about the Justice Club, see the Justice Club home page.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Violence against women bibliographies
Justice Center releases report on domestic violence assaults reported to Alaska State Troopers
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Justice exit exams for Spring or Summer 2009 graduation
Time/location: The Justice Exit Exam will be administered:
- in SSB 258 on Friday, March 20, 2009 from 10:30–12:00 PM
- in SSB 258 on Friday, April 3, 2009 from 10:30 AM–12:00 PM
Grading: Currently there is no minimum score on the test required for graduation, and the test is taken anonymously.
Proof of identity: Exit exams are taken anonymously, but you will need to place your UA student ID number, name, contact phone number, and signature on a sign-in sheet so we know you have fulfilled the requirement for graduation under the new Justice BA requirements. You will need to show a picture ID before taking the exit exam. You may use your Wolfcard, driver’s license, or any state picture id card as proof of your identity.
Note: This notice only pertains to those students who are planning to graduate in the Spring or Summer 2009 semesters under the 2004-2005 or later catalog. If you are graduating under a previous catalog, you do not need to take the Justice Exit Exam. The Justice Exit Exam is administered during the Spring and Fall semesters only. Those students graduating in the Summer, will need to take the exit exam the previous Spring semester. Students who plan to graduate during the Summer semester, but do not take the exam in the Spring, technically will not be graduated until they take the exit exam the following Fall semester.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Dr. Rosay recognized by Mayor Begich and U.S. Attorney Cohen
Dr. Rosay signs Municipality of Anchorage Tri-borough Anti-Gang and Youth Violence Policy Team agreement
United Way, Municipality of Anchorage, and Justice Center sponsor Anchorage United for Youth Summit
The summit's focus was on five strategy areas to support youth in our community:
- Family support
- Supportive adult relationships
- Meaningful opportunities
- Intervention for delinquent and disengaged youth, and
- Effective intervention – substance abuse.
- Reducing juvenile delinquency
- Reducing substance use by teens
- Improving high school graduation rates
Justice Club to meet February 4
Business at hand includes:
- finalizing Valentine's Day plans
- voting on a permanent meeting time
- going over ideas for this semester which include suggestions to host Gov. Sarah Palin as a guest speaker at the Wendy Williamson this semester
Justice Club usually meets in LIB 207b in the Library; in case of confusion or meeting place change, meeting times will be posted on the counter in the Justice Center in LIB 213.
For more information about the Justice Club, see the Justice Club home page.