UAA - through the
Justice Center and
ISER - and Alaska Pacific University are co-hosting the Anchorage portion of the
8th Annual Polar Law Symposium on September 25 and 26 at the UAA campus. This international event is presented in partnership with the University of Washington School of Law, the Vermont Law School, and in cooperation with the Arctic Law Section of the Alaska Bar Association.
This is the first Polar Law Symposium to be held in the United States and coincides with the U.S. chairing the Arctic Council. The theme is "The Science, Scholarship and Practice of Polar Law: Strengthening Arctic Peoples and Places."
Bill Streever |
The symposium kicks off in Fairbanks on September 23, and on September 24,
Dr. Bill Streever, BP Exploration - Alaska, Senior Environmental Studies Advisor, gives the keynote address on the theme, "Where Biology, Physics, Industry, Law and Inupiat Culture Meet: Examples from the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act."
Mead Treadwell |
In Anchorage, on September 26,
Mead Treadwell, PT Capital,
former Lt. Governor of Alaska, and chair of the U.S. Arctic Research
Commission - 2006-2010, is the keynote speaker. He will discuss
"Breaking the Logjam on U.S. Accession to the Law of the Sea
Click here for
full agenda and
register here.
NOTE: The Anchorage program will be held in the UAA/APU Consortium
Library, LIB 307. Friday, September 25, the program begins at 11:30
There is a new start time of 10:15 a.m. on Saturday morning, September 26.