Friday, January 31, 2014
AJSAC Fact Sheet: Juvenile Justice Referrals in Alaska, 2003–2013
The October 2013 issue of the AJSAC Fact Sheet presents summary information on referrals made by Alaska law enforcement agencies to the Alaska Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) for state fiscal years 2003–2013. The report presents data on the number of juveniles referred to DJJ, number of referrals made, charges by class and offense type, and demographic information on referred juveniles. The data show that the total unduplicated count of youth referred to DJJ in FY 2013 was 2,462 — a decline of 52.1% from FY 2003, with decreases seen across all administrative regions of DJJ. Overall, the number of referrals to DJJ declined both statewide — by 53.6% from FY03 to FY13 — and regionally. The Fact Sheet is by Khristy Parker and Dr. Brad A. Myrstol of the Alaska Justice Statistical Analysis Center (AJSAC).