Prof. Periman (l) and Susan Lee (r) outline for students how to plan for their college education. |
Prof. Deb Periman, J.D., Paralegal Studies Program Coordinator, and
Prof. Jason Brandeis, J.D., Justice faculty, presented on several topics
at the
"Color of Justice: Fostering Diversity in the Legal Profession and Judiciary ...One Student at a Time"
held June 22-24, 2011 at the University of Alaska Anchorage campus and
the Alaska Court System Boney Courthouse.
The program is designed to encourage girls and minority high school students to consider careers in the law and judiciary, and is sponsored by the National Association of Women Judges, the Alaska Court System, the University of Alaska Anchorage, law schools from the Northwest, and other organizations. Two workshop tracks were
available: College/Career Track and High School Track. The Alaska program was taught by Alaska judges and attorneys and Northwest law school professors.
Prof. Periman (l); Susan Lee, Gonzaga U School of Law (r). |
Prof. Periman presented at several sessions as part of this multi-day event. During the College/Career Track — Law School Admission Process and Pre-Law Support Services on June 22, Prof. Periman talked to students about "Preparing for the LSAT" and outlined "UAA Resources for Post-Baccalaureate Education." For the High School Track, she was a panel member for the welcoming lunch program on June 23 on campus and facilitated an interactive presentation on "What Makes a Good Judge." For the June 24 session for high school students, Prof. Periman team taught "Follow Your Dream: Think Now About Your Future" with Susan Lee, Gonzaga University School of Law Admissions Director.
Prof. Brandeis explains students' rights at school and the issue of free speech under the Constitution. |
Prof. Brandeis facilitated a session for the High School Track titled "So What Do Lawyers and Judges Do? A Case Study Exploring Student Free Speech." His interactive presentation of a hypothetical case study looked at the constitutional right of a high school student to wear a T-shirt with a controversial slogan. A team of student judges listened to arguments by students representing the student's viewpoint and the school administration's viewpoint and ruled on the issue.
National Association of Women Judges (NAWJ) developed this highly effective annual program to encourage girls and minority high school students to consider pursuing careers in the law and judiciary. Experienced judges and lawyers discuss law school and the requirements for admission, share their experiences including reasons why they chose their careers, and answer questions in groups. Students, judges and lawyers have praised the project, and it has been reproduced successfully nationwide.